foods should you eat to decrease your risk of depression

Healthy Eating for Depression

One of the keys to a healthy body is making the right food choices. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy foods

Unlike the summer, which is full of trips, travel, picnics, and even outdoor sports come the cold winter, when we tend to spend most of the time at home, and we may feel lazy even about exercising and eating more amounts food.
The winter season is the season of influenza and colds par excellence, as the immune system may be weakened as a result of vitamin D deficiency during the cold months, due to lack of exposure to sunlight.
Fortunately, some foods grow fresh in the winter and are characterized by their high nutritional value, low calories, and even the ability to fight depression that may afflict us in the winter. Find out with us in this report.

Beetroot: low in calories and rich in vitamins


In addition to its attractive color, beetroot is distinguished by its high nutritional value; It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and iron. In addition, it does not contain any fat, and very few calories, as the Everyday Health website indicates.
Beetroot helps in strengthening the immune system and enhances nerve function. It is also rich in antioxidants that play an important role in fighting cancer and many other diseases.
You can eat beetroot in several ways. For example, you can add it to a salad, cook it as a side dish, or even make it as a pickle

Avocado: good fat for your heart

Although avocados contain more than 77% of calories as fat, they are healthy fats that can benefit your heart, according to the medical website Healthline. Strictly speaking, this fruit contains monounsaturated fats like the kind you’d find in olive oil.
Avocados are also rich in potassium, vitamins K, C, and E, and are considered an ideal food to keep you feeling full for longer and help you maintain your weight.
Of course, there are many ways to eat avocado, for example, you can spread it on toast, add it to a salad or scraped eggs, as well as it is a great addition to a smoothie.

Nuts: a friend of movies and nights

Who does not like to eat snacks while watching their favorite series? Replace chips and crackers with some nuts, such as walnuts and almonds.
Nuts are indeed high in fat, but they are unsaturated and healthy, and good for you.
They also provide a range of nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, protein, and selenium, as well as dietary fiber that helps keep your digestive system healthy.

Pomegranate.. Fights cancer and reduces arthritis

Sour or sweet, in salads or smoothies, the pomegranate is a distinctly nutritious winter fruit. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and folic acid.
Pomegranate helps boost your immunity, which weakens during the winter, and may also help relieve arthritis pain that increases with cold weather, according to WebMD.
Pomegranate can also be useful in fighting cancer. For example, a 2017 University of Alabama research indicates that pomegranate fruit extract can help prevent skin cancer, while pomegranate peel extract may help control breast cancer.

Salmon to combat winter depression

If fish is one of your favorite foods, choose salmon in the winter.
Salmon contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids that play an important role in controlling some mood disorders such as depression, Harvard Health Publishing notes.
Salmon also contains vitamin D, which is important for calcium absorption and the maintenance of immunity.

Wild Cranberry: Fights Inflammation

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, cranberries are great cancer-preventing food and fend off a terrible winter cold.
It also helps you fight urinary tract infections by flushing out bacteria.
Because it is rich in fiber, it keeps blood sugar levels in check and helps your digestive system to function regularly.

Grapefruit to burn fat

Citruses are winter fruits par excellence, and while they are all healthy, delicious,, and packed with vitamin C that boosts your immune system’s health in winter, grapefruit has some unique properties.
This fruit has fat-burning capabilities, according to Popsugar.
It can help you feel fuller for longer, thanks to its rich fiber content.
Even the scent of grapefruit can help you curb cravings for sweets, by affecting enzymes in the liver. And last but not least, grapefruit can lower insulin, allowing your body to burn calories instead of storing them as fat.

Sweet potatoes to regulate blood sugar

Although they share a similar name, white potatoes and sweet potatoes have different effects on blood sugar. While the starch in white potatoes turns into glucose, sweet potatoes have properties that can help regulate blood sugar.
The fiber in sweet potatoes also helps you digest food more efficiently. And because they contain a large amount of vitamin A, they help keep your heart and liver healthy

Cauliflower.. Rich in Omega 3

This delicious vegetable can be prepared in many ways, you can cook it alongside rice or put it in soup, or you can simply roast it in the oven or steam it with garlic and spices.
And recently, flour made from cauliflower has become more and more popular for making healthy pizza as a gluten-free alternative.
Cauliflower is rich in omega-3 acids, which, as mentioned, can help you fight winter blues. They also contain antioxidants, fiber as well as choline

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