12 Health benefits of drinking amla water on an empty stomach

Ayurvedic medicine considers amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, as an elixir. This fruit, which is nutrient-dense, Vitamin C and it is rich in antioxidants, which makes it extremely beneficial for your overall health. According to a study published in the International Journal of Pharmaceuticals, amla has potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help prevent seasonal flu and infections. Due to its moisturizing properties, it is also beneficial to the skin and hair. In general, amla is a superfood that should be included in your normal diet.




Here are 12 ultimate health benefits of drinking amla water on an empty stomach:


1. Amla is rich in vitamin C


Amla is packed with vitamin C, which is known for its antioxidant properties. Drinking amla water in the morning can provide a significant boost to your immune system, help you fight infections, and improve overall health.


2. Amla has anti-inflammatory properties


Amla contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body and potentially relieve symptoms of chronic health problems. Regular consumption can even help reduce joint pain and swelling.


3. Amla supports digestion


Amla juice is also known to help digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and increasing nutrient absorption. This indigestion, acidity and constipation it can help prevent digestive problems such as.


4. Amla accelerates metabolism


Since Amla is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, drinking amla water on an empty stomach can speed up metabolism, which can be beneficial for weight management and weight loss efforts.


5. Amla helps you manage blood sugar levels


Diabetic or, for people at risk of developing this condition, amla water may help stabilize blood sugar levels.


6. Amla water supports heart health


Amla is also known to lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health, reducing the risk of heart diseases thanks to the presence of antioxidants like high fiber and polyphenols.


7. Purify your body with amla water


If you want to detoxify your body, amla juice can be a beneficial morning drink. It acts as a detoxifying agent that cleans toxins and contributes to cleaner skin, improved energy levels and better overall health.


8. Amla is good for the skin


The high vitamin C content in amla water can improve skin health by stimulating collagen production and protecting against skin damage from UV rays, which ensures healthier and brighter skin.


9. Amla water can accelerate hair growth


Amla is also known for promoting hair health. Drinking amla water can strengthen hair follicles, reduce hair loss, and improve the overall quality and texture of your hair.


10. Amla strengthens immunity


Because of its vitamin C content, amlana is also known to boost the immune system. Regular consumption strengthens your defense mechanisms and makes you stronger against infections and diseases.


11. Amla water can reduce stress


Amla has adaptogenic properties, which means it can help reduce stress and increase mental clarity. It helps improve the body’s response to emotional and physical stress.


12. Amla is great for eyesight


Amla is perfect for good vision Vitamin A source. Regular consumption of amla juice can contribute to better eye health and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.


How to make amla water at home?




5-6 amla (bektashi grape)GingerHoneyWater





Step 1: Wash the amla thoroughly and chop it into small pieces, remove its cores.


Step 2: Now mix the amla pieces with water to get a smooth form.

Step 3: After the process is completed, add ginger and honey (as) to your taste and mix once again.

Step 4: Mix the water to remove the pulp and seeds.

Step 5: Add 2 cubes of ice to a glass and serve by drinking.






How to prevent health at home

How is health prevention inside the home, and what are the procedures and advice that you must follow, my dear, to protect your safety and preserve the health of your family members?


Health prevention inside the home is an important part of maintaining your health, personal safety, and the health of your family members. Learn about the most important healthy habits that help us avoid diseases


Tips and procedures


From here, here are some tips and actions you can take to maintain a healthy and clean home environment


Hand washing: Make sure to wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the bathroom, and after returning from outside.


Cleaning and sterilizing surfaces: Constantly clean and wipe common surfaces inside the home, such as door handles, table tops, and remote controls, using appropriate cleaners and sterilize them periodically.


Use of mouth and nose protection: In the event of disease symptoms or when interacting with other people outside the family, protective masks for the face and nose must be used.


Social distancing: Try to maintain a safe social distance from people who are not members of your family to reduce the transmission of infectious diseases.


Home ventilation: Maintain good ventilation inside the home by opening windows regularly to circulate fresh air.


Proper food storage: Store food properly in the refrigerator and freezer and avoid leaving food exposed to contamination.


Personal hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene by bathing regularly, cleaning nails and hair, and changing clothes regularly.


Sleep and healthy nutrition: Eat healthy, balanced meals and try to get enough sleep.


Exercise: Do regular exercise at home to maintain your physical fitness.

What does healthy food mean?

Healthy food: Eating healthy food and following a balanced diet is important in order to maintain good health and feel better, as the foods we eat every day have a significant impact on our health, so many studies have shown the links between diet and common serious diseases in our current time.

Healthy eating is defined as eating correct amounts of foods from all food groups in order to live a healthy life, and is referred to as a healthy diet.

The benefits of healthy food are protection from heart disease and stroke by eating vegetables, fruits, polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and fish, which reduces exposure to heart disease and strokes.

Reducing excess weight and staying away from obesity; By consuming dietary fiber and carbohydrates in our diet. Treat eye diseases by eating protective dark green vegetables. Control blood pressure by eating low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, beans, fish, and foods rich in potassium.

Fight breast cancer, control colorectal cancer, and avoid prostate cancer. Fight bone loss by eating foods rich in vitamin D, vitamin K, and calcium.

Avoid birth defects by eating dark green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, and bread. Reduce the severity of Alzheimer’s disease by eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Ingredients of healthy food Water The human body contains fifty-seven liters of fluid, and five liters are excreted daily through sweat, urine, breathing, and evaporation, so the body needs eight cups of water per day as a minimum.

Protein materials: Foods rich in protein materials are as follows: meat, legumes, eggs, milk, and nuts. These materials are involved in: the formation of clotting factors in the blood, and the synthesis of hormones that provide the body with energy.

Synthesis of red blood cells and antibodies that fight diseases.

Fatty substances Foods rich in fatty substances are as follows: flaxseed oil, corn oil, sunflower seed oil, olive oil, and fish. They are beneficial to the human body because they: transport many vitamins to the areas where they are absorbed in the body to benefit from them in order to provide the body with energy. and the conduct of independent operations. It protects a person from feeling hungry because it burns slowly, unlike sugary foods.

Note: Nutrition experts recommend using unsaturated fats in preparing foods, salads, and soups. Sugary substances are taken from fruits, vegetables, and grains, and provide some building materials for the body’s organs and tissues, and a person must obtain a sufficient amount of them daily.

Vitamins and mineral elements we get from the food we eat, and they are useful in: regulating the process of synthesis and construction in the body’s various tissues and cells. Continuing life in order to enjoy health and well-being away from diseases.

Spices and herbs… promote heart health

Putting it in meals reduces triglyceride levels in the blood by 30%.


Spices and herbs are rich in antioxidants, which may help reduce levels of triglycerides and other fats in the blood, according to a study by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania.


Triglyceride levels usually rise after eating high-fat diets, leading to an increased risk of heart disease. The researchers said that if spices containing higher amounts of antioxidants were mixed with a meal, triglyceride levels would decrease by 30 percent compared to the same meal without those spices.



* Healthy spices



* Meals mixed with spices and herbs included: garlic powder, rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, red pepper, turmeric, ginger, and black pepper.


Sheila West, a professor of behavioral health and nutritional sciences, and Anne Schooley-Ray, a researcher in nutritional sciences at the university, reviewed various studies that examined the effect of spices and herbs on risk factors for heart disease, which were presented during a scientific conference of the Cacormick Institute in May of this year. They published the results of their study in Nutrition Today, a magazine specializing in nutrition.


The researchers said, “The effects of spices and herbs on the metabolism process and their efficiency and safety compared to medical drugs represent a very exciting field for future research regarding cardiovascular health.”


The two researchers examined three types of studies on “a mixture of spices,” cinnamon, and garlic. They said, “We live in a world where people eat too many calories every day, so adding antioxidant spices may be the way to reduce the number of calories without affecting our taste.”


The two researchers examined studies on the effect of cinnamon on people with diabetes and those without diabetes. Cinnamon has been shown to help diabetics significantly reduce their levels of cholesterol and other fats. However, cinnamon does not seem to help people who do not have diabetes.


The studies reviewed on garlic did not reach conclusive results because the doses used varied greatly. However, the researchers noted that eating garlic led to a reduction in cholesterol by 8 percent, which corresponds to a reduction in the risk of heart disease of up to 38 percent in adults aged 50 years.



* Useful meals



* The researchers prepared meals on two separate days for six men between the ages of 30 and 65, all of whom were healthy, but they were obese. The meals, which were identical, contained chicken, bread, and biscuits, except that they added two tablespoons of a mixture of spices. The two researchers followed the study participants for a period of 3 hours after each meal, and extracted blood samples every half hour. It appeared that antioxidants in the blood increased after the men ate the meal, by 13 percent more compared to eating meals without the spice mixture.

Pollen for the treatment of anorexia and anemia

Pollen for the treatment of anorexia and anemia






Especially if it is because of my body or myself. One of the most common cases of anorexia is what occurs during adolescence For girls, as the girl suffers during this period a loss of appetite, which results in general weakness, wasting in general health, and disturbances in the menstrual cycle.

In addition to nervous exhaustion and some psychological disorders.

In general, loss of appetite is a general and common symptom in many diseases, especially those accompanied by a rise in body temperature


Such as infections of the respiratory system, digestive system, or urinary system, as well as loss of appetite is one of the most important symptoms of liver disease,It is worth noting that anorexia always accompanies the presence of malignant diseases in different parts of the body.



Physical degeneration and wasting, especially for children who suffer from malnutrition






Examples of this include rickets and kwashiorkor, which results from a deficiency in the amount of protein in children’s diets.



Where the feet become swollen as a result of the infiltration of water in them, muscle atrophy, and a delay in growth, in addition to some mental and psychological disorders,






There are also hair and skin changes, enlarged liver, gastrointestinal disturbances, anemia, and signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiencies.



Among the symptoms of malnutrition in children is also the disease “marmas”, or what is called infantile atrophy.






Among its symptoms are the emergence of continuous infections in the gastrointestinal tract, such as the common cold, and the appearance of wrinkles on the face of the child, like an old man.



This is due to the lack of meat and fat in the face.



Atrophy also affects other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and extremities, to the extent that the body loses about 49% of its weight.



It is worth noting that pollen, with its high nutritional value and integrated nutrients, can compensate people with malnutrition or malnutrition for what they have suffered.



For the treatment of anemia:



Pollen can be used to treat anemia resulting from malnutrition, especially in children.



This is due to what these grains contain of vitamins, salts, minerals and trace elements that are involved in the formation of (hemoglobin) for red blood cells.






Especially the iron element, which is the main component of this substance, and pollen can also be used to treat anemia



Resulting from chronic blood loss, as occurs in cases of bleeding due to hemorrhoids, kidney disease, or menstruation in women,



Or during pregnancy, after childbirth and during the lactation period, as the body needs an increase in blood capacity and efficiency.

foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach

There are certain foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach as they can cause digestive upsets such as indigestion, heartburn or acid reflux. Meals that are difficult to digest or contain a lot of sugar, fat or spice should be avoided.


Here are some examples of foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach, according to onlymyhealth


fried foods


Fried foods are high in fat and take a long time to digest, which can lead to indigestion and heartburn when your stomach is empty. When eating fried food on an empty stomach, it can also cause your blood sugar levels to increase, which can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and a feeling of fullness. excessive. In addition, eating fried foods on an empty stomach can increase cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease.


carbonated drinks


Drinking soft drinks on an empty stomach can cause stomach discomfort and bloating due to the carbon dioxide gas present in it. The carbon dioxide gas can cause the stomach to produce excess acid and create an acidic environment. This can irritate the stomach lining and cause cramping and indigestion., It can Soft drinks also cause gas and bloating due to a process called carbonation.


processed foods


Processed foods, when eaten on an empty stomach, can cause an unhealthy rise in blood sugar levels, as they are high in refined sugar, fat, and sodium. This can lead to a variety of health issues, such as headaches, fatigue, and an increased risk of diabetes. Type 2. Eating processed foods on an empty stomach can also lead to indigestion and upset stomach due to the lack of fiber in them. Eating a well-balanced meal containing whole, nutrient-dense foods is a much better option for overall health.


citrus fruits


You should avoid eating citrus fruits on an empty stomach as they can cause digestive problems such as heartburn, indigestion or GERD. Citrus fruits contain a significant amount of citric acid, which is an irritant to the lining of the stomach. Eating citrus fruits on an empty stomach may increase acid production, causing irritation, discomfort, and even pain.


Dairy products


It is generally not recommended to eat dairy products on an empty stomach as they are difficult to digest. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt contain lactose, which is a type of sugar found naturally in milk.


When eating dairy products on an empty stomach, the lactose may not be broken down and absorbed properly, leading to digestive discomforts such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. In addition, dairy products are high in fat, which can slow down digestion and cause discomfort.


Caffeine-containing drinksPeople with severe stomach disorders, stomach ulcers, or irritable bowel syndrome are advised not to drink coffee on an empty stomach; May stimulate gastric secretion

foods should you eat to decrease your risk of depression
Healthy Eating for Depression

One of the keys to a healthy body is making the right food choices. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy foods

Unlike the summer, which is full of trips, travel, picnics, and even outdoor sports come the cold winter, when we tend to spend most of the time at home, and we may feel lazy even about exercising and eating more amounts food.
The winter season is the season of influenza and colds par excellence, as the immune system may be weakened as a result of vitamin D deficiency during the cold months, due to lack of exposure to sunlight.
Fortunately, some foods grow fresh in the winter and are characterized by their high nutritional value, low calories, and even the ability to fight depression that may afflict us in the winter. Find out with us in this report.

Beetroot: low in calories and rich in vitamins


In addition to its attractive color, beetroot is distinguished by its high nutritional value; It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and iron. In addition, it does not contain any fat, and very few calories, as the Everyday Health website indicates.
Beetroot helps in strengthening the immune system and enhances nerve function. It is also rich in antioxidants that play an important role in fighting cancer and many other diseases.
You can eat beetroot in several ways. For example, you can add it to a salad, cook it as a side dish, or even make it as a pickle

Avocado: good fat for your heart

Although avocados contain more than 77% of calories as fat, they are healthy fats that can benefit your heart, according to the medical website Healthline. Strictly speaking, this fruit contains monounsaturated fats like the kind you’d find in olive oil.
Avocados are also rich in potassium, vitamins K, C, and E, and are considered an ideal food to keep you feeling full for longer and help you maintain your weight.
Of course, there are many ways to eat avocado, for example, you can spread it on toast, add it to a salad or scraped eggs, as well as it is a great addition to a smoothie.

Nuts: a friend of movies and nights

Who does not like to eat snacks while watching their favorite series? Replace chips and crackers with some nuts, such as walnuts and almonds.
Nuts are indeed high in fat, but they are unsaturated and healthy, and good for you.
They also provide a range of nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, protein, and selenium, as well as dietary fiber that helps keep your digestive system healthy.

Pomegranate.. Fights cancer and reduces arthritis

Sour or sweet, in salads or smoothies, the pomegranate is a distinctly nutritious winter fruit. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and folic acid.
Pomegranate helps boost your immunity, which weakens during the winter, and may also help relieve arthritis pain that increases with cold weather, according to WebMD.
Pomegranate can also be useful in fighting cancer. For example, a 2017 University of Alabama research indicates that pomegranate fruit extract can help prevent skin cancer, while pomegranate peel extract may help control breast cancer.

Salmon to combat winter depression

If fish is one of your favorite foods, choose salmon in the winter.
Salmon contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids that play an important role in controlling some mood disorders such as depression, Harvard Health Publishing notes.
Salmon also contains vitamin D, which is important for calcium absorption and the maintenance of immunity.

Wild Cranberry: Fights Inflammation

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, cranberries are great cancer-preventing food and fend off a terrible winter cold.
It also helps you fight urinary tract infections by flushing out bacteria.
Because it is rich in fiber, it keeps blood sugar levels in check and helps your digestive system to function regularly.

Grapefruit to burn fat

Citruses are winter fruits par excellence, and while they are all healthy, delicious,, and packed with vitamin C that boosts your immune system’s health in winter, grapefruit has some unique properties.
This fruit has fat-burning capabilities, according to Popsugar.
It can help you feel fuller for longer, thanks to its rich fiber content.
Even the scent of grapefruit can help you curb cravings for sweets, by affecting enzymes in the liver. And last but not least, grapefruit can lower insulin, allowing your body to burn calories instead of storing them as fat.

Sweet potatoes to regulate blood sugar

Although they share a similar name, white potatoes and sweet potatoes have different effects on blood sugar. While the starch in white potatoes turns into glucose, sweet potatoes have properties that can help regulate blood sugar.
The fiber in sweet potatoes also helps you digest food more efficiently. And because they contain a large amount of vitamin A, they help keep your heart and liver healthy

Cauliflower.. Rich in Omega 3

This delicious vegetable can be prepared in many ways, you can cook it alongside rice or put it in soup, or you can simply roast it in the oven or steam it with garlic and spices.
And recently, flour made from cauliflower has become more and more popular for making healthy pizza as a gluten-free alternative.
Cauliflower is rich in omega-3 acids, which, as mentioned, can help you fight winter blues. They also contain antioxidants, fiber as well as choline