The most important causes of continuous hair loss and how to treat it

  As is known, whenever people dense be the most beautiful, and that’s why a lot of ladies are seeking to get a attractive hair and avoid his fall, and looking for reasons that lead to hair fall, and trying to avoid them in ways that help to intensify the hair and improve its appearance …


Fighting corruption in the midst of the Coronavirus

  States could make progress in the fight against corruption even under the most difficult conditions. A new World Bank report, “enhancing government effectiveness and transparency: fighting corruption,” takes a fresh look at some of the most effective methods and tools for enhancing government accountability, at a time when governments have urgently mobilized unprecedented levels …


The 10 largest economies in the world … 2020 forecast

 In recent years, expectations have increased that China will remove its rival America from the top of the largest economy in the world in 2020, but it seems that these expectations were exaggerated. The United States ended 2019 at the top of the list of the world’s largest economies with a “projected” GDP of $ …