Recipes for naturally supplying black lips and tips to avoid darkening


The supply of Black Lips is one of the priorities of most ladies, especially as the tan is one of the problems that distort the appearance of the face as a prominent part of it, and resort to natural recipes is the perfect solution to solve this problem so continue with me the next lines.

Recipes supply Black Lips

There are several natural recipes that have been able to prove their effectiveness in peeling the lips and rid them of excess skin and dead cells, giving them a pink color and a soft texture, most notably the following:

1. Recipe sugar and olive oil

It is also one of the most famous recipes used in the supply of lips, all you need is to grease the lips with olive oil so that your skin drinks it, and then pass half a teaspoon of sugar on it.

Start by rubbing the lips roundly from top to bottom and vice versa for at least 5 minutes, then rinse the lips with lukewarm water, repeating this recipe once a day until you get the desired result.

2. Lemon juice and honey

Lemon juice plays a prominent role in exfoliating dead skin cells, honey in moisturizing and smoothing the skin, and when you add glycerin to them it becomes easy to lighten the lips, just mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of glycerin and a teaspoon of honey, then grease the lips with the mixture while rubbing for 10 minutes,

In the absence of honey and glycerin you can count on Lemon alone, through painted lips before sleeping and rinse it with lukewarm water next morning, and in the case of regular attendance you will feel the difference within 3 days.

3. Sweet almond oil

You can grease the lips with sweet almond oil for 5 minutes, then leave it on the lips for 30 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water twice a day, avoiding grease and exposure to direct sunlight to ensure the desired result.

4. Pomegranate and beet juice

The beet of his ability to supply the lips and is effective in the case of adding pomegranate juice to him, we ML it is mixing a small amount of beet juice with pomegranate juice and then layer the mixture on your lips and at the rate of once a day for better result.

5. Ice cubes

Ice cubes contribute to the activation of blood circulation in the lips, and they do not require any effort just pass a cube of ice on your lips for 5 minutes and you will notice that the lips are pink, and the continuation will end over time.

6. Beetroot juice

Beetroot juice is one of the effective recipes in the supply of lips and getting rid of tan, you are required to prepare a quantity of beetroot juice and put it in the refrigerator, and grease the lips daily until you get the desired result.

7. Rose and saffron water

Rose water has moisturizing and soothing properties for the skin, in addition to its ability to give the lips a pink color, just mix drops of rose water with drops of bee honey and massage the lips with the mixture taking into account the repetition of this 3 times a day.

Or you can mix a spoonful of saffron with a teaspoon of honey, add them to 3 leaves of Rose and a spoon of raw milk, so that you get a soft paste that is easy to apply to the lips, leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with water twice a day.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural and safe exfoliator on the skin, and at the same time rid the lips of dead skin cells, mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar juice with a teaspoon of water, then put the mixture on a cotton and pass it on your lips and leave it to dry and then rinse the lips with water, repeat this process

9. Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains polyphenolic compound and flavonoids, which contribute to the lightening of pigmented skin, aloe vera works to regenerate dead skin cells, just pass a thin layer of gel on your lips and wait for it to dry then rinse with lukewarm water, and repeat the procedure twice a day.

10. Carrot juice

Carrot juice can be relied on to lighten any tan lips, by mixing two carrots well with a blender, passing its juice on the lips with your fingertips or cotton, and leave it for 15 minutes at a rate of once a day.

11. Green coriander

Some ladies may marvel at this recipe but it is effective, as ground coriander leaves contribute to reduce the darkening of the lips, just mix the coriander well and pass its juice on your lips by cotton and leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse the lips with lukewarm water, at the rate of once a day.

12. Milk

Many may be unaware of the idea that milk works to lighten and supply the lips, just pass a cotton swab mixed with milk on the lips with a massage for 10 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water 3 times a day.

What causes darkening of the lips?

Changing hormones may cause lips to change color from pink to dark.

Constant exposure to sunlight may cause skin damage.


Smoking over time causes pigmentation of the lips.

Genetic factors.

Lymphatic system problems.

Use of expired or inferior cosmetics.

Tips for treating tanned lips

Clean lips from any traces of food and drinks and avoid washing them with regular soap.

Moisturize lips daily before bedtime with cocoa butter suitable to protect them from dryness and cracks especially in winter.

Grease your lips with glycerin at night before bedtime to moisturize.

Drink plenty of water daily to hydrate your skin in general and lips in particular.

You can avoid darkening of the lips that may result from smoking by rubbing the lips regularly with a toothbrush soft, then rinsed and dried with water and fitted with Vaseline.

Take care to apply sunscreen on them before sun exposure.

Take care to exfoliate lips constantly using any of the previous recipes.

How to treat laser lip Tan?

The laser is one of the latest technologies for the treatment of sunning of the lips, and it takes only 10 minutes and the case needs two or 4 sessions to completely eliminate the problem of tan, and the laser is resorted to if natural recipes fail to treat the problem.

A certain type of laser is used to get rid of pigmentation where the laser rays shed on the outer part of the lips known as “skin lip”, which contains blackness and pigmentation and the laser works to reduce the percentage of pigmentation and lighten and give it a pink color, where the result of the session appears after a week.

The most important thing about laser lip lightening is that the condition only needs a local anesthetic, does not cause pain during or after the session and at the same time its results are guaranteed, and the difference between the session and the other 3 weeks.

Side effects of laser lip sunning treatment

Despite the advantages that the laser gives you in getting rid of the darkening of the lips, it may cause swelling of the lips but soon this swelling disappears the next day, and may also cause the lips to dry for two days

In the end, I hope that I have offered you thin black lips supply methods naturally and laser, if you have ever tried any of these methods then share your experience with us.

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