Easy and fast ways to get rid of dry skin and wrinkles


Dry skin is a common problem that any of us may face for various reasons, but its results are very annoying and lead to the appearance of wrinkles, especially around the eyes and lips. Besides the lotions and creams available in the market or in pharmacies, you can also try our beauty to try the following effective home remedies.

1. Almond oil

Almond oil is an excellent softener and a good source of Vitamin E, which is an important nutrient for skin care. Since it is not greasy, you can easily apply it on your face, if your skin is dry. Use as a moisturizer and massage for 5 minutes.

Important note: You should avoid this remedy if you are allergic to dried fruits or nuts.

2. Epsom salts or dried seaweed

You can relax in bath water that contains Epsom salts or dried seaweed, as this will help remove dry skin cells, thus leaving your skin feeling soft.

3. Egg yolk and milk powder

You need an egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of milk powder, and ½ teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients together and apply the mixture on your face. And wash your skin after 20-25 minutes.

4. Beeswax moisturizer

You will need 1 ounce of beeswax, 4 ounces of almond oil, at least 10 drops of vitamin E oil, a double boiler, and vanilla oil.

Put the beeswax, vitamin E oil and almond oil in a double boiler until it melts well. Then, take the kettle off the heat and mix the vanilla oil with 1/8 cup of water. Stir for about 10 minutes. Finally, pour it into a plastic bottle or jar and keep it at room temperature until it hardens, so that the humidifier is ready for use.

5. Honey and milk

Mix two tablespoons of honey with two teaspoons of milk and apply the mixture on the face and neck and leave it for about 20 minutes. Then wash your skin with lukewarm water, and you will feel that it is well moisturized.

6. Sesame oil

Sesame oil is effective for treating dry, irritated skin. Rub it all over the body before showering and this will make your skin supple.

7. Wheat flour, mustard oil and turmeric

Mix together 4 tablespoons of wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of mustard oil, and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add water to make a paste with these ingredients. Apply this paste on your face, let it dry for a while, then wash it with lukewarm water.

8. Glycerine, rose water and lemon juice

This treatment is effective in treating dry skin, especially in the winter season. Glycerine is an excellent emollient, as it locks in moisture for a long time in the skin. You only need to mix a tablespoon of glycerine, a tablespoon of rose water, with a tablespoon of lemon juice, and then apply it to the body and face.

9. Lavender oil

Try adding a few drops of lavender oil in your bath water to moisturize your body.

10. Brown sugar

Mix some brown sugar with olive oil or coconut oil. You can also add honey to it. Rub this mixture all over the body in a circular motion before and after showering

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