Learn 5 Vegetarian Food Ways To Help Your Health

Nutrition experts have focused over the past several years on plant foods, as specialized medical studies indicate that vegetarians live longer and are healthier than others, and that a vegetarian gets a large amount of protein, and there are many advantages that make a large number of people choose a diet. Vegetarian food. In this …


The most important health benefits of citrus fruits

  Citrus fruits or citrus fruits are considered one of the most sought after fruits and are found in most homes and are more common in winter. So what is a citrus fruit? What are its benefits? Citrus fruits are beneficial because they contain compounds called flavonoids that have anti-cancer and heart disease properties. Citrus …


4 exercises to improve your posture and protect against back pain!

  Back pain is a very common problem that affects most people at some point in their lives. But making some changes to your physical condition may help protect against painful lower back pain. Back pain can be bothersome and frustrating, but it gets better on its own within a few weeks or months. Most …


Chocolate hazelnut cream ice cream

  MATERIALS 2 tablespoons chocolate hazelnut cream 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar 3-4 pieces (fresh or frozen) cherries or blackberries FABRICATION Mix the yogurt and powdered sugar. Get a marbled texture by adding chocolate hazelnut cream and stirring lightly. Take this mixture into the ice cream bowl and make waves …