Facts about immunosuppressants – get to know them

  For supplements and oils, some may promise “false” protection against diseases! In this context, he reads, “Madam. Net ” dietitian Jamal al-Samad is fascinated by some of the false or incomplete information circulating among the general public about immunosuppressants. Excessive doses of vitamin C supplements” Vitamin C is an important nutrient for optimal immune …

What is the relationship of vitamin D to the Corona virus?

  But the Corona virus remains almost mysterious so far, and it causes a lot of confusion for scientists, who are trying hard to find a vaccine that ends the pandemic. Regarding the role of vitamin D in preventing the Corona virus or reducing the severity of the disease when infected, “Madam Net” informs you …

The benefits of ginseng for women is very important… Have you tested it?

     Uses of ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat many diseases. It has been shown to help reduce signs of inflammation and protect against oxidative stress. Image for illustration only – iStock-SB Ginseng is known for its uses to increase sexual ability, concentration and memory enhancement as a potent stimulant in …

Fighting corruption in the midst of the Coronavirus

  States could make progress in the fight against corruption even under the most difficult conditions. A new World Bank report, “enhancing government effectiveness and transparency: fighting corruption,” takes a fresh look at some of the most effective methods and tools for enhancing government accountability, at a time when governments have urgently mobilized unprecedented levels …

Learn 5 Vegetarian Food Ways To Help Your Health

Nutrition experts have focused over the past several years on plant foods, as specialized medical studies indicate that vegetarians live longer and are healthier than others, and that a vegetarian gets a large amount of protein, and there are many advantages that make a large number of people choose a diet. Vegetarian food. In this …

The most important health benefits of citrus fruits

  Citrus fruits or citrus fruits are considered one of the most sought after fruits and are found in most homes and are more common in winter. So what is a citrus fruit? What are its benefits? Citrus fruits are beneficial because they contain compounds called flavonoids that have anti-cancer and heart disease properties. Citrus …

Coronavirus era aesthetic demands are increasing

  Demand for plastic surgery increased during the coronavirus period. Non-surgical applications such as botox and filling are among the most demanded aesthetic operations. Beauty Consultant Şehnaz Askeroğlu gave important information about the increasing aesthetic demands during the coronavirus period. During this period of being closed at home due to the coronavirus, video online meeting …