أقوى مخمرية طبيعية من صنع يديك تزيل رائحة العرق وتجعل جسمك معطرا

تعطير الجسم والحفاظ على رائحته العطرة والزكية من الأمور المهمة جدا التي يجب على المرأة إلا تهملها أبدا حتى تمنح نفسها تلك الثقة التي تزيد من أنوثتها وتقضي على الرائحة الكريهة من جسمها خاصة اننا في فصل الصيف

المكونات : ملعقة من الجاوي الأبيض المطحون + ملعقة من المسك الأبيض المطحون + كمية من زيت جونسون للاطفال + ملعقة من الشبة المطحونة بشكل ناعم

طريقة التحضير : اخلطي هذه المكونات جيدا إلى أن تتجانس وتحصلي على كريم متماسك ضعيه في علبة محكمة الإغلاق واحتفظي به وكلما اغتسلت استعملي القليل منه على جسمك بعد تنشيفه جيدا لا سيما اسفل الإبطين وحتى المنطقة الحساسة

تفتيح الركب في اسبوع

تحاول المرأة المحافظة على جمالها من جميع الجوانب ، فتهتم بجمال شعرها وجمال بشرتها ، كما أنها تهتم بشكل جسمها والحصول على جسم مثالي ، ولكن تضل مشكلة الركب والأكواع الغامقة هي المشكلة الأصعب ، والتي تبحث السيدة عن حلها ، حيث أن الركب ذات اللون الغامق تعيق المرأة من ارتداء الثياب القصيرة والجميلة ، والتي تحب معظم السيدات ارتدائها


ومن أسباب إزدياد اللون الغامق للركب هو احتكاك الركبة في السجاد والجلوس بطريقة خاطئة على الركبة الأمر الذي يؤدي إلى إكتساب الركبة اللون البني المائل إلى السواد ، ويزداد اللون غمقاناً في حالة تم إهمال الركب


وجميع الوصفات المستخدمة لتفتيح الركب هي وصفات تعتمد اعتماد كلي على عصير الليمون الذي يساعد على التخلص من الجلد الميت ، والتخلص من اللون الغامق ، ولكن يحتاج الأمر الصبر من أجل الحصول على نتيجة مثلى والحصول على ركب فاتحة اللون ، كما يتطلب ذلك تكرار الأمر أكثر من مرة لحين الوصول إلى النتائج المرجوة


من أهم الوصفات المستخدمة في تفتيح لون الركب الآتي


1- الوصفة الأولى


قومي بخلط ملعقة من عصير الليمون ، مع ثلاث ملاعق من اللبن ، وملعقة من الجليسرين كبسولة فيتامين E ، وقومي بدهن الركب والأكواع وترك الخليط لمدة لا تقل عن 15 دقيقة ، ومن ثم غسلها بالماء جيداً من أجل تنظيف الجليسرين .


2- الوصفة الثانية


قومي بدهن كمية متساوية من عصير الليمون مع نفس الكمية من زيت الزيتون ، والقليل من الملح ، وضعيها على الركبة وهي جافة من الماء ، ومن ثم قومي بفرك الركبة باستخدام ليفة خشنة لمدة لا تقل عن خمسة دقائق ، ومن ثم غسلها جيداً ، وتكرار العملية مرة أسبوعياً ، كما أن هذه الطريقة مفيدة جداً لتقشير الجسم بكامله والتلخص من الجلد الميت .


3- الوصفة الثالثة

يتم عمل خليط من الماء الساخن وثلاثة ملاعق من الفازلين ، وملعقة من الجليسرين ، وملعقة من عصير الليمون ، وضعيها في علبة كريم فارغة ، ومن ثم يتم دهن الركب والأكواع بالخليط السابق ، يترك على القدم إلى أن يبدأ بالجفاف والاختفاء ، ولكن يفضل وضعه ليلاً وتغطيته بكيس من البلاستيك إلى حين جفافه .


4- الوصفة الرابعة


عمل خليط من الكركم والفازلين ، حيث أن الكركم مفيد جداً في تفتيح لون البشرة ، وضعيها على الركب مرة يومياً لمدة نصف ساعة ، ومن ثم يتم غسلها جيداً بالماء الدافئ والصابون .


5- الوصفة الخامسة


عمل خليط من ماء الورد وعصير الليمون وكمية من الملح ، ومن ثم فرك منطقة الركبة والأكواع جيداً لمدة عشر دقائق ، ومن ثم تركها على الركب لمدة لا تقل عن ربع ساعة ثم شطفها جيداً بالماء الدافئ والصابون .


يحتاج الأمر عمل هذه الوصفات مرة يومياً ولكن بعض الوصفات تحتاج إلى القيام بها مرة كل ثلاثة أيام ، أو كل يومين ، من أجل الحصول على النتيجة المرجوة في فترة قصيرة .



How to use egg oil to stop hair loss

Egg oil! Perhaps you hear this word for the first time, but in fact, egg oil is a newcomer to the world of effective natural oils, as experts and researchers confirm that egg oil will have a great and very effective role in increasing the health of both skin and hair. Egg oil for the treatment of hair loss, as it not only helps to solve the problem of hair loss, but also helps to treat dandruff, prevent the appearance of white hair, moisturize the hair scalp and stimulate hair growth as well, so get to know with us the method of use through a set of simple and very easy steps


How to use egg oil to stop hair loss




1 – Massage your scalp with egg oil and leave it on your hair throughout the night, as egg oil contains:


Omega-3 fatty acid, which belongs to polyunsaturated fats, helps revitalize and nourish hair folliclesIt also contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which help delay the appearance of white hair on the headImmunoglobulins, which are proteins that help reduce inflammation in the scalpCholesterol, which helps to give hair health and luster, and also helps to get rid of dandruff


2- The next morning, wash your hair with shampoo, preferably herbal shampoo, and use shampoo only to remove fat and oil traces from your hair.


3- Make sure to use egg oil for your hair from two to three days a week for 12 weeks until you get a positive and satisfactory result, as the regular use of egg oil is very important to provide the appropriate and necessary nutrition for hair follicles.


4- You should continue to massage your hair with egg oil for a long time without interruption to prevent hair loss and also to prevent the appearance of white hair because irregular use leads to the gradual return of hair loss as well as the re-emergence of white hair.


5- You should know that egg oil is the most appropriate and best alternative to the egg holder used for hair, as it will provide you with all the benefits that the egg mask provides you, but the difference is that egg oil does not have the smell of eggs that the egg mask leaves on your hair, and there will be no problem as well if you wash your hair With hot water, while you cannot wash your hair with hot water when using an egg mask because it causes eggs to freeze on your hair because eggs contain the protein albumin that freezes with heat, and egg oil protects you from the possibility of exposure to salmonella that may infect your scalp when using a mask eggs .



Perfect lip smoothing recipe

Here, my dear, in this article is a natural and easy-to-apply recipe to enlarge the lips and give them a sexy pink color, try it and share it with your friends, it is a powerful and powerful recipe that makes your lips soft, moist and full in less than a week.
Ingredients: clove oil + avocado oil
Method: Mix equal amounts of the ingredients, then apply the mixture on your lips and leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with water. Do not worry if you feel a slight burning sensation because it is a natural effect of clove oil. Repeat this recipe 3 times a week to get sexy and rosy lips.

How to make honey shampoo to take proper care of your hair

If you want to make a hair shampoo yourself at home and ensure that it is highly effective and beneficial to the health of the hair and scalp, then continue reading this article with us, as we will, through the following lines, show how to make a natural shampoo for your hair using honey


Honey is known to be one of the most important substances used in abundance and of great benefit to the health of the scalp and hair. This shampoo helps to treat dandruff, treat dry scalp and moisturize it. It also helps to increase the softness of hair, reduce its wrinkle, and give it a healthy and attractive appearance. This is due to the following reasons:



1 – The pH of the scalp, which expresses the pH of the scalp, is from 4 to 7, while the pH of honey is 4, and therefore the lowering of the pH of honey helps to restore the acidity balance of the scalp and thus treat its dryness and get rid of dandruff.

2- Honey is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and therefore it helps to treat any bacterial or fungal infection of the scalp.

3- Honey does not remove the important oils from the scalp and hair, so the hair is not too greasy, as in this case the scalp will not secrete more oils, as happens when regular shampoo strips the oils of the hair and scalp.

4- Honey helps moisturize the hair and thus leaves the hair softer, smoother and less wrinkled

5- Also, you will not need to wash your hair on a daily basis, as you can go for 4 days without washing your hair because the scalp’s production of fatty substances and oils will be balanced and natural.

And now we will leave you with the method of preparing honey shampoo

First, the ingredients:

Honey (preferably raw) – Pure, clean water (preferably use a filter to filter the water before use) – A few drops of one of your favorite essential oils.



Second: the steps:

1 – To make shampoo in an amount that is sufficient to wash the hair for one time only, add a tablespoon of honey to three tablespoons of water.

2- Then add a few drops of essential oil, for example lavender oil, as essential oils give the shampoo a good smell and are also useful for moisturizing the scalp. If you need to get carrot seed oil, you can also add it to the shampoo to increase its effectiveness in moisturizing the scalp.

3- Mix the ingredients together well so that you have succeeded in preparing the shampoo and you can use it by drying your hair and then massaging the entire scalp with shampoo and then washing with water, and honey shampoo does not require you to use a conditioner after it.

4- It is preferable that you make the shampoo directly before using it, so do not make a large amount and save it because it may spoil, but make a sufficient amount to wash your hair only once

How to make your own natural homemade deodorant

Today we will show you how to make a natural deodorant  at home, which you do not have to use a lot of to get the benefit, just a little is very enough.

Deodorant rexona

Ingredients :


  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter
  • A tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • A tablespoon of shea butter.
  • A tablespoon of beeswax.
  • A tablespoon of baking soda.
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of vitamin E.
  • 15 drops of any essential oil.
  • 2 capsules of probiotics.

The method 

  1. Clean an old can of deodorant.
  2. In a clean glass jar or bowl, melt the beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil, and place the jar in hot water over medium heat.
  3. Heat the ingredients until they are completely melted and mixed together.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat, add vitamin E and baking soda, and let it cool until it becomes heavy, then bite into the essential oil and capsules.
  5. Mix the ingredients well and put them in the bowl.
  6. Put the remover in the refrigerator for two hours.
Is toothpaste good for acne?

There is no doubt that the problem of acne is one of the most prominent problems that trouble young people, especially in adolescence, where pimples appear in different areas of the body such as the face, neck, and back, and may appear in the thighs and buttocks, but the appearance of acne on the face causes embarrassment. And leads to a feeling of lack of confidence in appearance, but what about using some recipes in the treatment of acne? Will it be effective? Benefits of toothpaste for acne

Signal 120ml

  • Many people who believe in the efficacy of home remedies believe that toothpaste has a high ability to get rid of acne or reduce its effects by drying these pills and thus getting rid of them, but doctors do not encourage the idea a lot, and some think that toothpaste Teeth will be effective in treating acne because: It consists mainly of baking soda. Contains hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.

It contains the antibacterial triclosan, which is one of the most important substances used in skin care products.

Tips when using toothpaste for acne There are a set of tips that will contribute to treating the problem of acne using toothpaste, including: Using the toothpaste in normal white and without other colors; Because it contains hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and triclosan.

Use toothpaste that contains the lowest possible proportion of fluoride; Because fluoride may cause irritation and redness to the skin.

Use an organic toothpaste that contains all the materials that will dry up acne. Stay away from whitening toothpastes as much as possible; Because it contains substances that irritate the skin.

How to use acne toothpaste Clean the face with warm water.

Pass a piece of ice on the affected area. Put a little paste on the affected area and leave it to dry. Leave it on the face for two hours. Clean the face with warm water.

Putting a moisturizing cream on the skin to prevent dehydration, and this process can be repeated day after day

Eggplant and sesame seeds for lighter skin

Do you suffer from tan or change in skin color?
Do you want to have a fresh skin free of dark spots away from going to beauty salons and spending a lot of money?
Here are some natural recipes to lighten skin color and get rid of dark spots for you to enjoy trying, whenever possible:

1. Eggplant: It is one of the materials rich in antioxidants that help lighten and brighten the skin
All you have to do to take advantage of it is to cut the eggplant into thick, circular slices
And put it on the skin, for ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. Do it daily
For a week, you will notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin, and the disappearance of dark spots in a matter of days.

2. Sesame seeds: They are rich in antioxidants and antibacterials
Thanks to the presence of omega-6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, vitamins B and E
It is used in many skin care products
All you have to do is grind one tablespoon of sesame seeds with one tablespoon of turmeric and mix the two ingredients together with a little water.
Until you get a soft dough. Apply the paste on your skin, leave it for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with cold water
Repeat this at least twice a week. You can also apply sesame seed oil after exposure to the sun to protect your skin from wrinkles and dryness.

Benefits of clove cream for hair and skin

Clove cream is one of the creams that consists of natural ingredients and does not contain any harmful chemicals, as it is used in many cosmetics, as it is beneficial for hair and skin, and works on healthy hair growth as it works to rid the skin of wrinkles and also moisturize and soften the body, so We decided to provide you with all the details about clove cream and its uses.


Benefits of clove cream for hairClove cream helps to strengthen the hair .It also helps rid the scalp of dandruff.The cream also protects hair from falling and brittleness.It works on the growth and density of hair.Clove cream gives hair vitality and luster.It also helps nourish damaged hair.Clove cream is characterized by its high ability to penetrate the hair follicles and strengthen them.The cream helps to get rid of scalp infections such as redness or irritation.It also helps to strengthen the hair from the follicles.The cream helps fill hair voids and protect against baldness .Helps get rid of excess oils on the scalp.The cream also works to soften hair and get rid of roughness.Clove cream for skinClove cream helps increase blood circulation to the skin, making it look fresh and radiant.It also helps in getting rid of blackheads.Clove cream works to get rid of acne.The cream helps to get rid of signs of aging such as wrinkles and white lines.It also makes the skin appear more youthful and vibrant.Clove cream helps moisturize the skin and get rid of dryness.It also helps to get rid of sunburn.It has a high ability to remove freckles and skin cost.Helps lighten and unify skin tone.It also has a high ability to exfoliate dead skin cells.The cream helps to get rid of impurities, dust and dirt that are found on the skin.Clove cream also has the ability to get rid of dark circles around the eyes.Clove body cream The cream helps to increase the size of the lips .It is also used in the treatment of premature ejaculation.The cream helps get rid of headaches, in addition to helping reduce stress and anxiety.It is also used to treat respiratory problems.The cream is used to get rid of osteoporosis.The cream helps treat rashes .Clove cream has the ability to moisturize and soften the body.It is also used in the treatment of insect bites.The cream helps the skin retain moisture.Helps get rid of eczema.The cream is also used in the treatment of rheumatoid bone pain.

How to make clove cream 

Cinnamon and olive oil hair growth cream

the components:

  • Two tablespoons of cinnamon powder.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • spoon of white honey

How to prepare:

  • At first, prepare a bowl and mix two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of white honey, stir well, and then add two tablespoons of olive oil to them.
  • Stir well until the ingredients are combined and have a creamy texture.
  • Then apply the mixture to the hair and leave it for 30 minutes.
  • After the time is up, wash your hair well with lukewarm water and your shampoo.
  • Repeat this method once a week to get long and thick hair.

Cinnamon and Coconut Oil Skin Lightening Cream

the components:

  • 4 tablespoons of clove powder.
  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Two tablespoons of jojoba oil.

How to prepare:

  • At first, mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and stir well until the mixture is homogeneous and has a creamy texture.
  • Then apply the cream to the skin and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the face with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this method twice a week to get radiant skin.

Cinnamon and shea butter body lotion 

the components:

  • Two tablespoons of cinnamon powder.
  • spoon of shea butter.

How to prepare:

  • At first, mix the shea butter and cinnamon powder together until well combined and the mixture becomes creamy.
  • Then apply the cream on the body and massage it well in circular motions for 10-15 minutes.
  • After the time is up, wash the places where you put the cream with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this method twice a week for best results.

In the end, we have mentioned to you all the details about the benefits and uses of clove cream




Benefits of ginger cream and its uses for every place in your body

The benefits of ginger cream that many girls and women wonder about because of its multiple uses, as the cream has won the admiration of everyone who used it, as it consists of natural ingredients used for the skin, body, slimming, or hair. To sculpt the body and get rid of bone pain, so we decided to provide you with all the details about the benefits of ginger cream and its uses.


Benefits of ginger cream for slimming It helps boost metabolism and thus reduce weight.It also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite all over the body.The cream helps to break up and burn the accumulated fat in stubborn places such as the buttocks, abdomen or arms.Ginger cream is also used to tighten loose skin.Ginger cream for skinGinger cream helps reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and white lines.It is also used to stimulate blood circulation and thus make the skin supple.Ginger cream contains a chemical compound gingerols that has a role in reducing redness and irritation of the skin.It also contains antioxidants that protect the skin from acne.The cream helps to get rid of acne and prevent its appearance.Ginger cream contains vitamin C, which makes the skin bright and healthy.It also stimulates collagen production, which contributes to accelerating wound healing.The cream helps to get rid of the harmful ultraviolet rays of the skin.It has an effective role in getting rid of dark circles under the eyes.The cream also helps get rid of scars.  ginger for hairGinger cream helps to get rid of infections that affect the scalp.It also helps thicken hair and promotes its growth.The cream eliminates hair damage and protects it from falling due to environmental factors.Helps stimulate hair follicle growth.The cream also contains vitamin E, which stimulates blood circulation in the head.It helps in the production of nourishing oils for the scalp.It also eliminates flyaway hair.The cream keeps the hair moisturized and reduces dryness.Benefits of ginger for the body The cream helps get rid of abdominal pain.It also helps reduce triglycerides in the body.Helps treat respiratory diseases.It helps relax the muscles of the body.It has an effective role in the treatment of flatulence .It also helps in getting rid of varicose veins.How to make ginger cream for slimming


the components:


Two tablespoons of ginger powder.Cup water.spoon of almond oil.Glysolid cream.Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.Rose water.

How to prepare:

  • You should put two tablespoons of ginger powder in a cup of water, stir well, and then put them on the fire until it boils for 10 minutes.
  • Then leave the ginger to cool and then filter it.
  • Then add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of rose water and one tablespoon of almond oil, and stir well.
  • Then add 3 tablespoons of glycerol cream to the mixture and stir well until it becomes a creamy texture.
  • Rub the cream on the areas where there is fat, massage it in a circular motion and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • After that, rinse the areas that have been applied to the cream.
  • Repeat this method daily for best results.

How to make ginger cream for skin

the components:

  • Two tablespoons of ginger powder.
  • A tablespoon of rose water.
  • Two tablespoons of Vaseline.
  • tablespoon of starch

How to prepare:

  • In a bowl, put the ginger powder, starch, and Vaseline, and stir well.
  • Then add the rose water to the mixture and keep stirring until the mixture is homogeneous and has a creamy texture.
  • In the end, put the cream on your face and leave it for an hour, then rinse your face with lukewarm water and repeat this method daily to get smooth skin.


How to make ginger hair cream

the components:

  • 3 tablespoons of ginger powder.
  • 3 tablespoons of castor oil.
  • A spoonful of jojoba oil.

How to prepare:

  • In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together and stir well until the cream is homogeneous and creamy.
  • After that, massage the scalp with the cream and leave it on your hair for an hour.
  • Wash hair with lukewarm water and shampoo.
  • Repeat this recipe twice a week to get thick and soft hair.

Share your experiences with ginger cream, and leave us a comment below to inquire about more ways to make ginger cream