Recipe for enlarging the buttocks and legs

The butt is one of the most important things that highlight the femininity and beauty of a woman. But don’t worry, madam, every problem has a solution.

There are many recipes that will definitely help you to make your buttocks big according to the size you want. And in this topic, I will give an easy recipe that will help you in enlarging the legs or enlarging the buttocks and buttocks.



All you will need is:

1 – a cup of wheat.

2 – a cup of vinegar.


Preparation method

1 – Mix the two ingredients until you get a mixture.

2 – Massage the mixture into the areas to be enlarged.

3- Leave it for at least two hours and then wash it with warm water.


Repeat the recipe, my lady, regularly (once a day) until you get the desired result and good  luck.





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