Seemingly harmless habits interfere with your mental health

There are many activities during your day that may seem harmless to your health, but when we look at them with concentration, they are disastrous for our physical and mental health.       According to healthsite, it’s a good idea to take a look at the habits that negatively affect your mental health   …

What happens to our brain after spending one hour in nature?

Human history has largely emerged in rural environments, where sprawling savannas and forested river valleys have hosted our ancestors for millions of years.   By comparison, cities represent a radically new type of habitat that, despite their many advantages, often stresses our mental health. Research has linked urban environments to an increased risk of anxiety, …

the benefits of staying away from your phone during the day

But that doesn’t change the damage that can occur with excessive phone use, whether it’s sleep problems due to blue light or radiation damage to the brain, and amid this, practicing a regular digital detox, even if only for a few hours, becomes essential.   Sirens signal people to put away their electronic devices for …

Child depression How do I know that my child has depression?

Can children really suffer from depression and there is such a thing as child depression? The answer is yes, and children’s depression is different from the usual depression that we know. Children’s feelings develop from day to day, but not every child looks a little sad, it means that he is depressed. If the sadness …

Sweat is not alone responsible for body odor.. many things are associated with it

Each of us usually strives to maintain his personal hygiene, and always seeks to smell the most beautiful smells that endear others to him, and do not alienate them from sitting with him or approaching him, and despite it being an inevitable healthy phenomenon, we all hate our sweat, and we fear that others will …