
  Rosmarinus officinalis in Latin, rosemary is from the Ballybabagiller (Lamiaceae) family. It is also known as “Kuşdili” and “hasalban”. The part used is leaves. Its fresh, dried and oil is used. It is used in meat and vegetable dishes, steamed fish, chicken dishes, pizzas, rice, seafood, sauces and savory cookies. It conceals the wound, …

Covid-19: what is the pre-vaccination consultation for?

  The vaccination campaign started on December 27 in France, after authorization from the Haute Autorité de Santé. The first step is to meet with the doctor. A mandatory step The campaign started in Seine-Saint-Denis and Dijon, in a long-term care unit in a hospital and in a residence for the elderly. First and foremost, …

A fat burning drink with only 4 ingredients that helps you lose weight

  What do you think of preparing a fat-burning drink on your own and quickly that helps you lose weight and increase the rate of burning body fat? There is no doubt that there are natural body burners from many plants around us. Today’s recipe we will prepare a cup of fat burner which is …

Covid-19 basically does not affect the nervous system “

  Prof. Dr. Ümit Hıdır Ulaş stated that the Covid-19 outbreak did not mainly affect the nervous system, indirectly, neurological complications were rarely seen in some patients, and the increase in neurological cases reported in parallel with the increase in Covid-19 cases was observed. Ulaş stated that in the latest case reports, it was seen …

The most important vitamins for the skin and its natural sources

  There are many skin vitamins that contribute to healthy and nourished skin, and each vitamin helps treat a specific skin problem. If you are looking for a solution to your skin problems with vitamins then you need to read the following lines to learn what vitamins your skin needs.. Vitamin A for skin This …