The health benefits of apple cider vinegar, its side effects, and how to drink it

  Recently, there has been a long debate on social media about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, its side effects and the right way to drink it. Everyone talked about it and everyone seems to love him. But was this just a new media hype or is apple cider vinegar really amazing? And …

Barley tea .. health benefits, side effects, and how to prepare

  Barley tea is a common herbal drink widely consumed in East Asian regions such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan, tea is prepared by roasting barley seeds and then used in tea preparation, and sprouted and dried barley is used as a barley source for beer production. Barley tea has multiple health benefits such as …

Benefits of eating carrot juice on your health

  Carrots are one of the best types of vegetables that contain a high percentage of vitamins and nutrients that work to promote the health of toxin and skin, as it contains antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin A and other elements, and according to what the healthline website said, carrot juice has many benefits for health. Which: …

Thyme fights diseases and promotes health

  Benefits of thyme, thyme is one of the herbs that carry a lot of important health benefits to the human body. Thyme oil contains anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is commonly used in foods, cosmetics, and toiletries, and it can also be an ingredient in mouthwash. According to the herbal encyclopedia site “healthline” …