Breast changes that tell you about your health

There are many changes that occur to the breast that women should not ignore. These changes can appear every day, such as a change in appearance and appearance. Breasts can be a way of communicating about what’s going on inside you and some things that raise concerns about certain health problems. A woman’s breasts change throughout her life and all of these changes come due to hormonal fluctuations and these changes speak to your health. Some women usually have a breast exam once a month when you start noticing strange signs on the breast. These exams help prevent things from getting worse. Thus, we convey to you a group of these changes that occur to the breast, including inverted nipples, nipple emptying, sudden and rapid breast growth, breast shrinkage, change in color and shape of the breast. Some of these changes are not alarming, but some are disturbing. If you have abnormal breasts, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist for a general examination.

Breast changes that tell you about your health that you should not ignore

1. Increase breast size:

An increase in breast size can mean that you have gained more weight, especially after puberty, the breasts begin to grow at a slower rate in most women. One of the reasons that lead to increased breast growth in adulthood is eating a lot of food, but an excessive increase in fat can result in the risk of developing tumors, according to the National Cancer Institute.

It could mean the arrival of your period. When a woman begins to enter a new phase such as birth control or pregnancy, hormonal changes can result in a spurt in the growth of breast tissue. Gynecologist Mary Jane Mencken explains that as long as both breasts increase in size at the same time, there is no cause for concern.

2. Shrinking breasts:

Breast shrinkage can mean that you have lost a significant amount of weight and this has led to the loss of a lot of fatty tissue in the breast. When you start losing weight, the bulk that starts to work and shows weight loss faster. In the event that the breasts continue to shrink, you need to consult a doctor because it becomes frightening and indicates hyperthyroidism or a chronic disease.

It could mean that your period has already started. Before the onset of the menstrual cycle, the size of the breast increases, but as soon as it arrives, a contraction occurs in the size of the breast as the hormones begin to relax.

3. One is bigger than the other:

When the breasts are not the same size and each has a different size, it may be normal, according to Mencken. In some cases, it can be a sign of breast cancer. When the shape of one breast changes, it is an indicator associated with the occurrence of a defect and the incidence of breast cancer, and in this case, you need to visit a specialist.

4. Breast irritation:

It could be an allergy to something, such as an allergy to a bra that is not suitable for you, which may be made of nickel, as it is irritating to the skin, or the presence of soapy residues that results in itching. Many women have a phobia of getting breast cancer just by noticing any sign of skin irritation. You can use hydrocortisone cream to help you treat rashes that appear on the skin within a few days.

It also means that you have a wrinkle in the breast, especially in the lower part, and when rubbing under it causes inflammation, and this is very common in the summer. Once an antibiotic or steroid cream is used, it helps reduce the amount of inflammation. While the first thing you should look for is to get a suitable bra.

Skin irritation can also indicate that you need to wash your bra, and re-wearing an appropriately sized sports bra may be good for you so as not to promote bacterial and fungal infections, especially if you tend to sweat under your breasts.

5. The presence of invisible stretch marks on the breast:

It could mean that you gained or lost weight and this leads to the appearance of stretch marks on the breasts. These signs may seem obvious, especially after pregnancy, or you may find that women have been born with stretch marks on the skin.

6. White or dark nipples:

It may not seem complicated, as this is a simple sign that indicates the presence of different patterns of pigmentation in women and is not a cause for concern.

7. Nipple size:

The size of the nipple can be very large or very small, but this difference in size is normal, according to Menneken, a gynecologist.

8. Areolas around the nipple: 

The primary function of the nipple is to produce milk, and when the areolas around the nipple begin to appear, it means that they are the ends of the milk ducts. Therefore, it is normal for these halos to appear.

9. Big Nipple:

This could be an intimate lump that requires you to go to a medical professional to schedule an examination as soon as possible even if you feel that the breast tissue is normal.

10. Having more than one hair in the breast:

This means that you have been exposed to testosterone cream. Some men may use this cream to increase their sex drive and hair appears in several places, including the breast.

It could be PCOS, if you find yourself suffering from the appearance of breast hair, this is due to the high level of the special hormone testosterone. Cases of polycystic ovaries or the thyroid gland result from excessive amounts of the male hormone, which leads to the exit of cysts (fluid-filled sacs in the ovary) and other symptoms such as acne and irregular menstruation appear. In the case of leaving polycystic ovaries, it leads to infertility. Therefore, it is best to see a doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms.

 11. Irritation of the nipples:

It may mean that you left shampoo or soap residue on the chest. Once you rinse the breast with water and apply hydrocortisone cream, it provides you with the required relief.

You may have a clothing allergy, because the bra contains dyes or other compounds that provoke a reaction and the same thing when wearing an inappropriate shirt and in the case of changing the bra or clothes the itch goes away.

In addition, some changes in hormones during the menstrual cycle lead to itching, or it may be nipple cancer, which leads to itching around the nipple and the appearance of halos, nipple peeling, crusty skin, bloody or yellow secretions, and in these cases, you must go to the doctor immediately.

12. Feeling stiff and painful:

It may mean that your period has begun and it is common to see changes in the breasts and sensitivity of the tissue. Even in the days prior to the menstrual cycle, it is normal for these changes to occur.

To find out if breast hardening is related to changes during the menstrual cycle or another pathological condition, you can take more vitamins, about 200 mg of vitamin B6, and in the case of soreness or lumps in the breast. It may really be a bad sign when the hardening is on one side of the breast.

It also indicates that you have had an excessive amount of caffeine in coffee, which exacerbates breast soreness.

13. There is milk secretion from the nipple:

When the breast is stimulated, it starts to leak so little milk that this is not related to pregnancy or breastfeeding. Some medicines when taken can help you treat this. In some cases, it results from taking antidepressants or antipsychotics. When taking medications that raise the level of the hormone prolactin, which is the hormone that stimulates the production of milk, milk secretions may be one of the annoying side effects of it.

14. Bloody discharge from the nipple:

This could be a non-cancerous tumor, which is known as a papilloma (excess of milk ducts). This case requires you to visit a doctor, especially when you notice these symptoms in one breast.

15. Nipple hardening:

Nipple hardening refers to an abnormality in the breast tissue and contraction of the nipple muscles occurs, and this is often associated with stimulation before or after intercourse.

16. Breast heaviness:

Breast heaviness or breast tenderness occurs before your period or you may have a risk of breast cancer as dense breast tissue is difficult to detect.

17. Veins inside the skin of the breast:

You may be more likely to develop breast cancer, and the breasts will become pale and transparent, which is an indication of fair skin. Which makes you more likely to get sunburn, so it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the exposed skin so that you do not face many problems.

18. Breast skin is like the skin of an orange.

When the skin of the breast turns like the skin of an orange and does not become as smooth as before, circles and hardening of the nipple appear, these signs are a sign of breast cancer 

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