Boost your immunity


In this time health has become the most important priority for us and it should be our most important priority .As someone very beautifully said -” The first wealth is our health “. In this time of coronavirus what’s the most important thing is to boost our immunity.If a person has a strong immunity he/she can safeguard from diseases. So here are some tips which you can do to bolster your immunity and protect yourself from coronavirus and other viral diseases. 

1). Yoga and Pranayam – The first and foremost thing which you should do is 20 min. Yoga and 20 min. Pranayam. Pranayam like  bhastrika , anulom vilom and kapalabhati ( do each Pranayam for 10 minutes ). And some yoga poses like bhujanasa , dhanurasan will definitely help you to boost your immunity.

2). Milk with turmeric – Turmeric is a natural way to bolster the immune system as it has anti bacterial  and anti -ceptic property . Take 200 ml of milk  and add half spoon of turmeric in milk and take it in night . In few days you will get the results .

3). Drink hot water – strart your morning by drinking hot water as it activates your body and also helps to kill the bacteria. Specially in the time of corona virus it hels to boost your immunity .

4). Include vitamin c in your diet – some foods which contains vitamin c are amla , oranges , lemon etc. They are very helpful to strengthen our immunity .Take 2 amla per day not only it will boost your immunity but will also help you to get rid of many problems like hairfall, skin problem and many more.

5). Stay away form toxins – in the time when you have to strengthen  your lungs and immunity , taking tokins will add more problems. Smoking which directly affect our lungs should not be done by people .

6). Meditation –  Our ancient text reveals many benefits of meditation . In the time where the situation is very stressed meditaty will help you to calm yourself . There is no special time for it . Sit in a peaceful place and just start meditating . In the initial days it will little hard to meditate but after some dyas you will able to do it . In the initial days do it for atleast 20 minutes. 

7). Sunlight – Many experts say that exposing our body in sunlight for 10 minutes  will help you to fight against corona virus . Sunllight is  a great source of vitamin D . 

8). Eat only healthy – Eating healty should be your daily habit . Healthy means there should not be any adulteration in your food . Junk food only harms our health. So taking balace diet will not only maintain your body but also increase  the efficiency of your brain .

So these are the tips which if you follow will help you to strengthen your immunity . There are many others things other than which are menty above which will also help  you to keep ourself healthy like take enough water , take enough sleep etc. 

Stay fit  and stay healthy  .Best of luck.

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