5 mixtures to lighten sensitive areas in 3 days

Ladies, we offer you some sure solutions to lighten sensitive areas, with natural recipes from Morocco. Follow them with us, apply them, and tell us the results:

1_ Empty a capsule of vitamin (E), mix its content with olive oil, then use the mixture as a mixture to lighten sensitive areas and moisturize the skin as well.

2_ Mix a little olive oil with sugar, and gently and gently massage the sensitive areas of your body.

3_ Mix a spoonful of lemon juice with a spoonful of cucumber juice and another of turmeric, then spread the mixture on your skin for 15 minutes.

This mask is characterized by the fact that it combines the benefits of turmeric, lemon and cucumber, to be the best mask for lightening the areas of the body and the most effective.

4_ If your skin can tolerate lemon, pass half a lemon on it.


5_ Finally, you can cut a potato into thin slices, and put it on your skin from a quarter of an hour to half an hour.

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