The most powerful recipes to eliminate blackheads

Here are the most powerful and easy recipes that work to get rid of the problem of blackheads, follow them with us, choose a recipe from them, apply them, and tell us the results ..


1. Apply toothpaste to the pimple before going to sleep, the toothpaste helps relieve swelling, do not use the gel.


2. Wash your face twice a day with warm salty water, to get rid of oily skin and keep the skin free from pimples.


3. Apply strawberry leaves on acne to reduce swelling and redness.


4. Mix a lemon with a little rose water, and apply the mixture on the face


For half an hour. Wash the face with warm water. the program goes on for 15 days.





5. Wipe the skin with the inner white lemon peel before washing it with water.


6. Wash your face with fresh mint juice every night to get rid of pimples.


Acne, eczema, scabies and many other skin problems.


7. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.


8. For chronic skin problems, mash two garlic cloves and wipe the face with them.


9. Grind the peel of an orange with some water and apply it on your face. One of the best home remedies.


10. Clean the face with cotton soaked in rose water.


11. Mix one tablespoon of lemon and one tablespoon of ground cinnamon and apply it on the affected area.


12. Use aloe vera juice twice a day, aloe vera helps


To heal wounds and scars left by acne.


13. Put ice on the large swollen pimples and it will go away with the morning.


14. Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements to increase skin resistance and acne.


15. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply it on the face for 30 minutes. It will clear the face and add luster to it.


16. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl, then put a little of it on your hands and rub the affected area


Or, soak a washcloth in the solution and place it on your face for 15 minutes.


17. Mash the cucumber and make a paste out of it. Apply it on your face and leave it for half an hour. It will rejuvenate and purify the skin.


18. Mix corn flour with egg white and apply it on your face


For half an hour. Massage your face and it will become very smooth with the regularity of making this mask.


19. Mix some nutmeg powder with milk and apply it on the affected area


And pimples will disappear like magic without effects.


20. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of cinnamon and apply it on the area


Infected before going to bed, wash it in the morning, and the pimples will disappear after two weeks completely …

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