Unify skin tone and lighten 10 ways

Suffering from dark skin or part light and part dark? Do you want a guaranteed way to be able to unify the color of the skin? Did you know that the cause of dark and combination skin can be excessive exposure to the sun, environmental pollution, dry skin, stress, poor lifestyle, long use of chemical products and cosmetics.


Many people work hard to unify the skin tone and lighten the skin and make it free from defects, and many skin-lightening creams and cosmetics have spread in the market, but such products contain harmful chemicals that can eventually harm the skin, and often The products are also expensive. You can save yourself some time and money by using natural remedies that will work effectively to unify and lighten the skin tone .


Here are the most important ways to be able to unify skin tone naturally:


1. Yogurt:

Yogurt is a by-product of milk that contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. It also contains lactic acid, which has whitening and unifying properties, and it is one of the treatments suitable for all skin types.


Gently rub the yogurt on your skin, leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water, and do this once daily for several weeks and you will notice a significant change in your skin.



Alternatively, you can mix a tablespoon of fresh yogurt with half a tablespoon of honey, put the mixture on your face and neck, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with water, and repeat this daily to improve the color of your skin and its uniformity.

You can also add a little lemon juice and some oats to yogurt to make it a thick paste and apply it as a face mask. This remedy also helps in keeping your skin supple and moisturized.


2. Orange:

The most important ingredient in skin care is vitamin C, which can be obtained in abundance from oranges. In addition, oranges have bleaching and even skin tone properties.

It has been found that regular consumption of fresh orange juice can greatly improve the overall texture of your skin as well as its suppleness. To unify the skin tone of orange, it can be used in two different ways.


Mix two tablespoons of orange juice with a little turmeric powder, and put this mixture on your face and neck before going to bed, and you can also put it on the hands and legs, and wash it after 20 to 30 minutes, and repeat it daily.

The second method is to grind dried orange peels into a powder, mix one tablespoon of peel powder with a tablespoon of plain yogurt to make a paste, put the paste on your skin and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse it well with lukewarm water, and this helps relieve spots and unify the skin tone. It can be used once a week or twice.


3. Gram

flour: Gram flour is one of the best ingredients for people who want to unify the skin tone, as it contains various nutrients that help to keep your skin very healthy, and by using the treatment daily it helps to remove the excess of fat while maintaining the moisture of the skin natural.


Mix some gram flour with a small amount of water or rose water to make a thick paste.

Put it on your face, hands and legs.

Leave it to dry and then wash it with lukewarm water.


4. Honey:

Honey helps to even out skin tone. It is also a good moisturizing agent for dry skin. Honey also contains antibacterial properties that can help fade spots and acne scars.


Put pure honey on your face, leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This is a simple remedy that helps you remove dead skin cells, making your skin look brighter and fresher than before, and you have to do this once daily.

To prepare a uniform and brightening skin tone mask, you must mix a tablespoon of honey with lemon juice, a tablespoon of powdered milk and half a teaspoon of almond oil, mix it well and put it gently on the skin, leave it for 10 minutes, then wash it with cold water, and repeat it daily.


5. Lemon:

acidic property of lemon makes it work as a natural bleaching agent for the skin. Its high amount of vitamin C helps the skin to grow new cells. Lemon also contains antioxidants that are very beneficial for the skin and skin.


Dip a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and put it directly on your face, and you can also rub the lemon pieces directly on the affected skin and leave it to dry for at least an hour and then wash the face with lukewarm water, and do it once a day, and this simple treatment unites the skin color and prevents The appearance of scars on the face.

Another way is to mix three tablespoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of turmeric powder, put the mixture on the skin and leave for half an hour, then wash it with water, and do this once a day.

Alternatively, you can mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with powdered milk and honey, put it on your skin and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off, and repeat daily or every two days.

Note: When using these remedies, you must make sure that there are no open wounds on your skin, because the acidic nature of lemon juice can cause pain in open wounds, and also lemon juice may not be suitable for sensitive skin or if you are allergic to lemon.


6. Aloe vera gel: Aloe vera

gel can relieve hyperpigmentation and restore the original skin tone, and hyperpigmentation is one of the main causes of uneven skin tone.

Also, the cooling effect of aloe vera helps regenerate cells and rebuild damaged tissues which is important for healthy skin. Simple use of aloe vera gel can lighten dark spots and improve overall skin complexion.


Cut the outer layers of the aloe vera plant, and extract a thick jelly-like substance.

Put the gel well on your skin.

Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Do this at least twice daily for two weeks.


7. Papaya: Papaya

is used regularly in various cosmetic treatments, and can also be used to unify the skin tone. It is believed that papaya has natural whitening properties and contains various nutrients that help in the freshness of the skin.


Eat papaya as a fruit, as it has general cleansing properties that cleanse the skin of impurities that can cause darkening in some places.

Rub the inside of the papaya on your face, leave it to dry, then wash your face with cold water and dry it well, and this gives your skin a nice glow, and repeat it daily.

Mash a ripe papaya and mix it with one cup of fresh lemon juice. Massage the mixture on your face and neck. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Do this at least once a week and you will notice a visible change in your skin color.


8. Turmeric: Turmeric

is often used to improve the complexion of the skin, as it helps in building melanin to maintain even skin color, and also turmeric has antiseptic and antioxidant properties that are very good for the health of your skin in general.


Mix turmeric powder and milk to make a thick paste, put the paste on your skin, leave it to dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water. When you follow this treatment on a regular basis, it helps to unify the skin tone in a short time.

Alternatively, mix two tablespoons of gram flour with half a tablespoon of turmeric powder and a tablespoon of lemon juice, apply this mask and leave it for 20 to 25 minutes or until it dries, then rub it and rinse it with lukewarm water.


9. Cucumber:

Cucumber binds collagen and ensures that your skin is soft and flawless. Cucumber also has a cooling effect on the skin, and is suitable for all skin types.


Put cucumber slices directly on the dark areas of the skin that need lightening and uniformity with the color of the skin, leave it for a few minutes, remove it and rinse the face with lukewarm water, and do this twice daily.

Squeeze the cucumber and mix it with honey to make a mask, put the mask on your face and neck, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse it with cold water, and do this twice daily to get effective results.

You can also mix one tablespoon of lemon juice and cucumber juice, put it on your face, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes or until it dries, then wash it with lukewarm water, and do this once daily.


10. Oatmeal:

The best way to encourage the growth of new skin cells to improve your skin tone and get rid of old skin cells is oatmeal as it helps exfoliate the skin, making it supple and smooth.


Mix oats with tomato juice and put the mixture on your face, leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it with cold water, and during rinsing, you should rub it gently so that the oats get rid of dead skin cells, and repeat it daily.

Alternatively, mix one tablespoon of oatmeal powder with a little turmeric and a few drops of lemon juice to make a thick paste. Apply it on your face and let it dry. Wash off the dry mask with water, and do this once daily.


Follow these natural remedies for unifying skin tone, however keep in mind that these remedies are very effective but it will take a long time and patience until the desired results are achieved



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