This is the healthiest way to cook coffee. We’ve consumed poison for years

The warning you need to know when cooking Turkish coffee. What you need to know so that your coffee pleasure is not poisoned..


Turkish coffee is one of the most beneficial drinks. However, we need to be careful while drinking coffee. According to nutritionists and scientists, Turkish coffee turns into poison when it is drunk with sugar.




Canan Karatay used the expression sweetest poison for sugar in her statement. In order to benefit from all the benefits while drinking coffee, coffee should be consumed plain.


If you drink coffee with medium or sugar, you should abandon this habit.


In a content in BBC Turkish ; It was stated that sugar is much more harmful than fat.


The first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, suggested this week that food labels be rearranged with new rules.


Instead of focusing on the fat in foods, it is recommended to focus on sugar, which has much less nutritional value.


This is a great victory for fat, which has been presented as the archenemy of health for years.


The number of studies that point out that fat can be beneficial to the body, that it is much more dangerous in terms of malnutrition and that the sugar element in front of the eyes is overlooked is increasing.


Fat, carbohydrates and protein are macronutrients, the building blocks of all other foods.


Carbohydrates and protein have 4 calories per gram, and fat has 9 calories per gram.


Fat hatred in the 80s

As obesity became more common towards the end of the 20th century, health experts began to look for ways to prevent it.


“In the late 1980s, it was said that when you cut fat, you cut calories,” says Marian Nestle, a food expert at New York University.


This is how the era of snacking started. Food companies have launched low-calorie products with the “fat-free” label.


As we enter the 21st century, the reputation of fat has increased somewhat, with many diets focusing on carbohydrates. But David Grotto, author of Best Things You Can Eat, says the understanding that macronutrients—fat, carbs, and protein—determine diet success is gradually drifting away.


“We need carbohydrates, we need protein, we need fat,” says Grotto, acknowledging that some types of fat are harmful: “But fat is not bad as a type of food.”


Indeed, research clearly demonstrates that fat plays an important role in the diet: many vitamins dissolve in fat, not water, so vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods are much more beneficial when eaten with some fat on the side.



Better than sea water’

A new study from Sweden showed that obesity was less common in people who ate high fat. Researchers attribute this to the fact that fat creates greater satiety in humans, thus curbing the desire to overeat.


“Many nutritionists now agree that fat is no longer among the ‘bad’s, but calories are the bad ones,” says David Grotto.


Nutritionists also agree that one of the things that increases the calories in food the most is sugar.


“If you’re on a desert island, we can say that sugar is better than seawater,” says Walter Willet of Harvard University’s Department of Public Health.


But that’s about all the positive things to say about sugar. Sugar, a type of carbohydrate, has only 4 calories per gram, but many products increase it to make it taste appealing. Consumption also creates other problems.


“We know that high condensed sugar consumption is linked to many risks for heart disease,” says nutritionist Professor Rachel Johnson of the University of Vermont.


Harms of sugar

Getting calories from sugar means getting calories without getting the nutrients we can get from something less sugary.


In addition, dangerous levels of blood sugar increase the risk of inflammation and heart disease, which results in death, according to a new study.


What is worrying is that, according to the same new study, sugar consumption in the United States appears to be at dangerously high levels. 70 percent of Americans exceed the recommended daily intake of sugar. Normally, only one-tenth of the daily calories taken from sugar is considered healthy.


Usually, the most abundant ingredient in a food is written at the top of the label, but Walter Willet explains that food companies are cunning, by dividing the sugar in a food into different types and labeling it. For example, instead of giving the total amount of sugar, the label is divided into titles such as sucrose, maltose, sorbitol, dextrose, corn molasses, sugar cane molasses.


Now, new labeling rules in the USA will try to change this situation and focus on the harms of sugar.


Experts emphasize that it is necessary to pay attention to the sugar added to the food during production, not the natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables.


In the end, David Grotto says that the quality of the calories taken, that is, the nutritional value, is as important as the calories taken in a day.


Grotto adds:


“Actually, focusing on one food is nearsighted. But we always like to declare something ‘bad’ for some reason.”

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