Brazil: about a thousand deaths and more than 42 thousand new cases of Corona

  The Brazilian Ministry of Health announced that about 43,000 confirmed cases of the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) had been recorded during the past 24 hours, in addition to about a thousand deaths resulting from infection. This came, according to a statement issued by the Brazilian Ministry, on Tuesday, which confirmed that the country recorded 42 …


Corona … all you need to know about the virus (report)

  As the covid-19 pandemic spreads around the world, countries continue to develop different ways to combat the virus and limit its spread. As part of the measures taken to combat the virus, information on methods of diagnosis, infection and symptoms, the latest research on treatment and vaccine, common misinformation, methods of use of masks, …


How can I protect myself and prevent the spread of disease?

  Protection measures for everyone Keep up to date on the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak available on the WHO website and issued by the national and local public health authority in your country. Many countries in the world have recorded cases of Covid-19 disease, and many have experienced outbreaks. Relevant authorities in China …


Study: 5 genes that “speed” the death of a Corona patient

  5 genes have been identified in the human body that increase a person’s infection with a dangerous condition of the emerging corona virus and may lead to death. The University of Edinburgh in Britain has collected the nuclear envelope of more than 2,700 people infected with the Coronavirus in 208 intensive care units across …