Fish oil .. Learn about its most important health benefits

  Fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found in only certain types of fish, vegetables and capsules, our bodies do not produce these fatty acids and can only be ingested through an individual’s diet or capsules. According to onlymyhealth, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in oils from certain types of fish, …

Benefits of barley bread for the heart, colon and diet

  Barley bread is one of the most widespread types of bread, as some rely on it for its versatility compared to traditional bread, what we explain now by revealing the health benefits of barley bread varied. Dietary barley bread elements Barley bread consists of a range of vitamins and minerals, which can explain why …

Honey and Garlic: Health Benefits and Uses

  Honey and garlic have many different health benefits, which can be enjoyed separately or mixed together, so what does that mean? Honey and Garlic: Health Benefits and Uses Honey and garlic have been used since ancient times in alternative medicine, until some began using them together for greater health benefit. Garlic contains a substance …

Orange … multiple benefits and two delicious recipes

  The delicious orange fruit provides us with many health benefits, so what are the most prominent? How can it be incorporated into healthy, delicious and beneficial recipes at the same time? In the report published by the French site “Maman Pour La Vie”, writer Marie Yves Bourassa said that oranges are a good source …

Study reveals important benefit of avocado on gut health

  A new study from the University of Illinois shows that eating avocados as part of your daily diet can help improve gut health. Avocados are a healthy food rich in dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats. However, it has not been clear how avocados affect microbes in the digestive system or “gut”. The research team …

The benefits of coffee for a healthy body and the side effects when overused

  Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, and coffee has many health benefits, but excessive consumption of it causes health problems, in this report we have collected the most prominent benefits of coffee and the side effects of excessive consumption, according to thehealthsite. Side effects of caffeine Too much caffeine …

Ginger is useful, but with certain conditions … Beware of its side effects

  Ginger is one of the oldest recorded spices that have been cultivated and exported from parts of southwestern India. The plant is used to treat types of nausea and vomiting. It is also useful in treating menstrual cramps, osteoporosis, diabetes, migraines, and other conditions. However, no There is sufficient evidence to support effectiveness in …