Australian study: Bread does not cause obesity

Australian study: Bread does not cause obesity


Many believe that bread causes weight gain without proof or experience




A new Australian study has refuted the prevailing belief, based on previous studies in the same field, that bread of all kinds is one of the main causes of weight gain and should be avoided in any healthy diet.


According to the details of this study conducted in one of the specialized health research centers in Australia, a large percentage of people are completely convinced that eating bread leads to weight gain, based only on anecdotal statements without proof.


The studies distributed questionnaires to a wide segment of Australian society, including different age groups of men, women, teenagers, and children within families, individuals, and fathers and mothers with different jobs and social classes. It turned out that a third of them’s answers were not based on any scientific evidence or depended on real personal experiences, while the remaining percentage was About 60 percent were skeptical about the health benefits of bread and preferred not to eat it all the time.


The study also showed that the vast majority of those surveyed are ignorant of the importance and benefit of eating bread and which food classification it belongs to, and the necessity of not neglecting to include it in balanced daily meals, regardless of their types, especially those rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, natural sugars, and other minerals such as magnesium, iron, and many other contents that are very beneficial to health. Generally in the short and long term with direct and indirect consequences.


The study, which was conducted under the supervision of the Australian Food and Drug Administration, advised of the importance and necessity of eating bread at least five times a week to achieve the required health benefit from it and to show its good effect that is free of the many negative effects resulting from excessive consumption, such as suffering from constipation and flatulence, especially for children and the elderly. Age in general, where the rate of their weekly meals containing bread can be reduced to an amount that suits their physical and health condition.

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