A 3-day detox cure

For 3 days, this involves eliminating everything that makes digestion difficult: we gain energy for effective cleaning,” explains a naturopath.

To start the hunt for toxins, we already avoid everything in the diet that is white and refined: we ban processed industrial products, we favor rusks or crackers without wheat (with buckwheat for example) instead of bread, as well. than whole grains and organic.

Cooked fats (cold meats, fried foods and pan-fried foods) and all dairy products are also eliminated.

Finally, we adopt dissociation: we bite the fruit outside of meals and we do not mix starchy foods and animal products in the same meal. And of course, we forget the coffee and the wine.



In the morning on an empty stomach:  ½ lemon juice in a glass of hot water. “Lemon helps the detox phenomenon by boosting the work of the liver and thanks to its alkalinizing and remineralizing action.

For breakfast:  ½ mashed banana with 2 tbsp. tablespoon of rapeseed oil + ½ lemon juice. Mix well and add 3 pieces of seasonal fruit and 1 tbsp. of oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts…) crushed, or rusks without wheat with almond puree. 1 rosemary tea (which supports the work of the liver) or a mixture of meadowsweet, cherry tails, ash, birch…. to drain (we swallow 1 large mug).

At noon:  raw vegetables as a starter (or vegetable juice for those who cannot tolerate raw vegetables), drizzled with olive oil or nuts + white protein (fish, poultry) accompanied by cooked non-floury vegetables.

As a snack in the morning or afternoon:  cooked fruit (in the oven or in a compote) or seasonal raw. 1 herbal tea.

At dinner:  cooked vegetables and cereals (no animal proteins), drizzled with olive oil and / or nuts.

In the evening:  1 herbal tea.



We adopt a monodiet over the whole day to boost detox and really put the digestive organs at rest. Optionally, we swallow only and at will as soon as we are hungry:

  • Thick vegetable soup without potatoes or legumes
  • Sugar-free compotes
  • Raw vegetable juices

To vary and stock up on recipes for soups and detox juices, we can draw ideas from books like Detox : rediscover the form and vitality of Sophie Schlogel (Ed. Mango).

To drink:  Water rich in minerals, rather without meals.



We take the same composition as for day 1.

In the morning on an empty stomach:  ½ lemon juice in a glass of hot water.

For breakfast:  ½ mashed banana with 2 tbsp. tablespoon rapeseed oil + ½ lemon juice. Mix well and add 3 pieces of seasonal fruit and 1 tbsp. of oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts…) crushed, or rusks without wheat with almond puree. 1 rosemary tea (which supports the work of the liver) or a mixture of meadowsweet, cherry tails, ash, birch…. to drain (we swallow 1 large mug).

At noon:  raw vegetables as a starter (or vegetable juice for those who cannot tolerate raw vegetables), drizzled with olive oil and / or walnuts + white protein (fish, poultry) accompanied by cooked non-floury vegetables.

As a snack in the morning or afternoon:  cooked fruit (in the oven or in a compote) or seasonal raw. 1 herbal tea.

As a snack in the morning or afternoon:  cooked fruit (in the oven or in a compote) or seasonal raw. 1 herbal tea.

At dinner:  cooked vegetables and cereals (no animal proteins), drizzled with olive oil and / or nuts.

In the evening:  1 herbal tea.

To drink:  3 bottles of water rich in minerals, rather between meals.



During these 3 days, there is no question of staying idle. “Moving more circulates the blood and lymph which pass through the emunctory organs (skin, kidneys, liver, intestines, etc.) and helps in detoxification”. To avoid over-straining the body, avoid too intense activities and favor walking, paddle boarding, very gentle jogging … The ideal is to sweat a little to promote elimination of toxins

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