Thyme mixtures for the skin and cosmetic recipes

You can make many beauty recipes using thyme . Especially in the summer months it is preferable to use thyme , especially oily skin becomes more prone to acne . It is preferable to use natural ingredients instead of synthetic preparations. And that can have damage to the skin   you can use thyme in recipes that are useful for your beauty. Research indicates that it is very effective in treating acne. We present to you on the Educate Yourself site, thyme mixtures for the skin are very useful.

Thyme mixtures for the skin

Thyme mixtures for the skin

Thyme mixture for acne:

Ingredients :

  • Dry thyme.
  • Jogaya – sesam oil
  • argan


  • Put a small bottle of boiling water for 10 minutes to sterilize it and dry it well.
  • Put a tablespoon of dry thyme in the bowl, cover and add the required oil.
  • Leave the thyme for two weeks and store the mixture well in a cool, dry place.
  • After two weeks . Filter the thyme leaves from the mixture and apply it to the face at night to moisturize the skin and resist the effects of acn3


Mixture of thyme and green tea:

Ingredients :

Leaf green tea

Thyme tea leaves.


  • Combine several tablespoons of green tea leaves and ½ cup of chopped thyme leaves in two cups of water. And leave this mixture until it boils.
  • Leave the mixture until it cools.
  • Apply this mixture to your skin, using a cotton swab.
  • You can keep this mixture in the refrigerator for a week. 
    Thyme and clay mask  for the beauty of the skin: 
  • Cosmetic clay such as bentonite.
  • Thyme


  • Mix a teaspoon of clay with thyme powder and mix the mixture well.
  • Apply the mixture to the skin, leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • This mask works to beautify the skin and clean it well, as thyme eliminates the bacteria in the skin and cleans it well.

Thyme and lemon juice .

Ingredients :

  • 1 teaspoon of fresh thyme.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • 1 small spoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cream.


  • Mix all ingredients in a blender and chop the thyme into small pieces.
  • Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it for 15 minutes.


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