This is how the Corona virus affects the skin

In addition to the classic symptoms of “Corona”, known since its beginning, various other symptoms appear, and they develop with the emergence of mutants of the virus, such as: “Omicron”, as the symptoms are not only limited to fever, persistent cough, sore throat, and the like, there are other symptoms. attached to the skin.

In the following, we explain how the Corona virus affects the skin:



The virus contributes to an increase in skin temperature by 3%, and its redness by 20%, which is linked to increased inflammation in the body.


increased sebum

Experts also indicate that the virus can affect the production of sebum or skin oils, as it increases sebum levels by 13%, in addition to reducing pH levels by 3.24%.


Flexibility decline

The results of studies revealed that the effects of the “Corona” virus can contribute to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin and its decrease by 9.9%, with an increase in grains by 1.62%, and the virus may lead to the appearance of wide pores by 72%.


* Does the mask have a negative effect?

In addition to the effect of the virus, experts indicate that wearing a mask or muzzle for 6 hours or more also negatively affects the skin, and can stress it and contribute to more than one problem, such as: grains, inflammation, increased sebum, and others.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that the Corona virus can affect the lips and nails as well, as it contributes to their pallor, and their tendency to bluish, or gray.

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