1. Many people do not accuse copper despite the important benefits of copper to the body, as we all know that copper is commonly used in electronics and jewelry. But many of us do not know that it is also responsible for some important biological functions in the body. Its primary role is to help form hemoglobin and collagen in the body, and it is also important for the functions of many enzymes and proteins involved in energy metabolism, amino acid synthesis, and respiration. Because the body cannot synthesize copper on its own, we need to eat foods that contain a high percentage of copper in order to avoid copper deficiency in the body.

Copper deficiency in the body causes poor red blood cell formation. This poses a problem because red blood cells deliver oxygen to the various tissues of the body. Copper deficiency in the body can also lead to many health problems such as fatigue, pale skin color, low body temperature, anemia, weakness and osteoporosis, unexplained weight loss, soreness and pain in muscles and joints.

Because the human body naturally gets rid of excess copper, exposure to copper toxicity is almost very rare. And in this case, some symptoms appear, such as stomach pain, extreme thirst and diarrhea.

What are the benefits of copper for the body?

This rare element offers many health benefits to the body, which include the following:

1- Promotes brain health

Foods that are high in copper stimulate thought processes and mental functions. These foods are considered foods for the brain, because copper helps in the formation of certain nerve pathways that enhance thought processes, so copper deficiency in the body may lead to incomplete development of the brain and nerves.

And many researches also indicate that copper deficiency may be linked to Alzheimer’s disease, due to the effect of copper deficiency in the blood on cognitive cognition, and it also causes an increase in fluid in the brain and spinal cord, which may be one of the reasons that lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

2- Copper improves the health of the skin, hair and eyes

Copper is an important element for the proper functioning of the body in almost all tissues of the body, including the skin. Copper acts as a powerful antioxidant  , protecting cells from damage that may be caused by free radicals. It may also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots that appear on the skin, promote wound healing, and also help improve symptoms of macular degeneration that affects the eyes.

Copper promotes healthy skin by helping to build collagen, the substance in connective tissue that improves the appearance and elasticity of the skin. In addition, it helps in the formation of the melanin pigment, which gives the skin its natural pigment.

3- Copper helps maintain energy and prevent anemia

Copper plays an important role in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy storage molecule in the body. Some studies suggest that without getting enough copper, mitochondria (which are responsible for producing cell energy) are unable to produce enough ATP, which makes us feel tired and lethargic.

In addition, copper helps us use iron properly. This helps reduce the risk of anemia, as copper helps release iron in the liver, which in turn reduces the possibility of you developing anemia.

4- Copper strengthens bones

Getting enough copper will ensure that you strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis  . Copper plays a major role in maintaining bone health, and therefore copper deficiency may cause skeletal deformities and osteoporosis. Some studies have found results indicating that elderly patients with fractures had a deficiency in copper levels in the blood.

5- Supports the metabolism

Copper is involved in about 50 different metabolic enzyme reactions to keep the body’s metabolism running smoothly. And researchers from the University of California, USA, found that copper plays a key role in the metabolism and digestion of fats. It helps break up fat cells and use them for energy.

6- It helps in strengthening the immune system

The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against various pathogens. Copper plays an important role in strengthening the immune system in the body, as some studies conducted on experimental animals confirm that copper deficiency can lead to increased chances of bacterial infection. So make sure you eat enough copper-rich foods daily to keep your immune system healthy.

What are the sources of getting copper?


A person needs 0.9 milligrams of copper per day, which is easy to do because copper is found in many of the foods we eat daily. Copper sources include:

  • Beef liver : Each 28 grams of it contains 4 milligrams.
  • Dark chocolate : Each large piece contains 1.8 mg.
  • Sunflower seeds : Each cup contains 0.8 mg.
  • Cashews : Each 28 grams of cashews contains 0.6 milligrams.
  • Chickpeas : Each cup contains 0.6 mg.
  • Raisins : Each cup of raisins contains 0.5 mg.
  • Dried apricots : Each cup contains 0.4 mg.
  • Avocado : one fruit contains 0.4 mg.
  • Asparagus : Each cup contains 0.3 mg.
  • Chia seeds : Each 28 grams of chia seeds contains 0.1 milligrams.

Copper is an important element that the body needs to perform many vital functions. Also, what the body needs of copper daily is a small amount that you can get easily by eating one of the copper-rich foods in your regular diet.