What is the danger of food items considered beneficial to the body?

Russian nutritionist Elvina Binatova revealed the dangers of some foodstuffs that are considered beneficial for health.


The expert points out that these substances, which are considered beneficial for health, can actually negatively affect the health of the body.


According to her, first of all, you should pay attention to low-fat products, since manufacturers often add to them large amounts of sugar and harmful additives to improve the taste.


“When buying low-fat or fat-free products, pay attention to their ingredients,” she says.


The expert points out that fruit juice, which is prepared at home or bought from stores, contains a high percentage of sugar. This also applies to completely carbonated water.


“The process of preparing the juice destroys all the dietary fiber and the vitamins oxidize quickly when exposed to oxygen, so practically nothing remains in it but sugar,” she says.


It adds, and another harmful substance that is considered beneficial, whole grain bread. Because in fact, when you eat this bread constantly, it leads to a rise in the level of sugar in the blood.


“Because the grains are ground and turned into flour that does not contain the necessary nutrients, and in the body it turns into glucose,” she says.


The expert points out the harm of gluten-free products.


“These materials are made of refined starch, and they do not contain any nutrients. So before using them, you should consult your doctor about them, because otherwise they may harm your health,” she says.


She refers to plant milk, the use of which has spread widely in the recent period, as, according to her, it is similar to animal milk “causes abnormal immune reactions, and contains in its composition local substances and fatty acids, which stimulate weight gain.”

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