Rose water for face and hair …. supple skin and hydrated hair

  Rose water for face and hair …. supple skin and hydrated hair Benefits of rose water for skin and hair: Benefits of rose water Rose water is essential to your beauty routine The benefits of rose water are abundant because it is without a doubt a beautiful magic potion. Whether you have oily, dry …


Google apologizes and explains the reasons for the frequent disruption of its services

  The company “# Google” issued an explanatory statement about the technical failure that she suffered from last Monday, saying, “We would like to apologize for the impact of this accident on our customers and their companies. We deal with any incident that affects the availability of our services to our customers and their dependence …


Tighter restrictions imposed in London … British Health Minister: It is very difficult to control the new strain of Corona

  British Health Minister Matt Hancock indicated today that the new, stricter restrictions imposed in London and the southeast of England may last for some time, saying that it is very difficult to control the new strain of Corona virus that has appeared in the country. When asked in an interview with “Sky News” whether …


The Best Soft And Chewy Snickerdoodle Cookies

  Ingredients for 24 cookies COOKIE DOUGH 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 cup butter(230 g), softened 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup sugar(200 g) ⅓ cup brown sugar(75 g) 2 eggs 3 cups flour(375 g) 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 2 teaspoons baking soda ½ teaspoon salt CINNAMON SUGAR MIX ¼ cup sugar(50 g) 1 tablespoon cinnamon Preparation In a small bowl, mix together the ingredients for the cinnamon sugar mix until evenly incorporated. Set …


With a value of 1.4 million dollars, Lamborghini unveils its super sports car

The Italian giant Lamborghini has added to its fleet an exceptional sports model without roof or windows with a total weight of not more than 1500 kg, to bear the name SC20. Lamborghini SC20 specifications The sports car was designed by the racing department of the Italian company “Squadra Corse”, with an initial price of …


Coronavirus symptoms: 3 serious indicators that must be monitored daily

  Do you have some common symptoms between the common flu or the common cold and the corona? When should you consult a doctor? What are the symptoms of Corona? And what are the signs that you have covid-19 when you get infected? Follow the answers in the following topic: The most common coronavirus symptoms …


Kim Kardashian facing the boomerang effect of social networks

  Kim Kardashian, one of the queens of social networks, was at the heart of a surge of messages on Twitter, Facebook and other Instagram, some to support her after her assault in Paris, others criticizing her exhibitionism. At 35, the American reality TV star has largely built his world fame with countless selfies, sometimes …