Causes Itching in Hair Bottoms, How Does It Pass?


We know how uncomfortable those endless itching in the scalp disturbs you. The constant urge to scratch your head can embarrass you at work, outside, or around those around you.

Constant itchy scalp is a sign that something is wrong with your scalp. If you have a different and severe itch than normal, you should definitely investigate the reasons and use care products that relax the scalp. For this, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist. Your dermatologist will make the most appropriate and correct care recommendations for you.

So, what are the causes of this intense itching sensation on the scalp? How can you stop the scalp from itching?

Causes itching in the scalp?

Itching of the scalp can have more than one reason. Conditions such as insufficient cleaning, using products that are not suitable for the scalp, gathering their hair too tightly, eczema and dandruff can cause itching of the scalp.

Just like skin care products, you should use care products suitable for your scalp skin type. We recommend using special hair care products for extremely oily scalp, dry scalp or sensitive scalp. Choosing the wrong product may cause the scalp to become sensitive and cause itching on the scalp.

Editor’s suggestion: The last thing to do for itchy scalp is to use transfer mixes. Hair care oils that you buy naturally from the herbalist can cause problems in sensitive and itchy skin. For this reason, you should definitely use dermatologically tested products of the brands you trust.

Suggestions for itchy scalp

Use suitable shampoo for your scalp

In order to reduce dandruff in your sensitive and itchy scalp, we recommend that you use a hair care product suitable for the hair problem. Shampoos with micro-peeling effect and LHA will be good for you to control dandruff on the scalp. Thanks to the shampoos that calm the scalp, itching will decrease and the sensitivity on the scalp will be controlled.

If you have a severe itching sensation on your scalp, you may be facing recurrent dandruff. These dandruff adheres to the scalp, causing discomfort in the scalp, disturbing you during the day and night while sleeping. Conventional dandruff shampoos may not be enough to eliminate stubborn dandruff. Instead, we recommend that you use shampoos inspired by advanced technology that directly affect the scalp and hair follicle.

Editor’s Favorite

To reduce the recurring dandruff problem and itching sensation, one of our favorites is La Roche Posay Kerium DS shampoo. The vitamin PP in the formula of this shampoo provides comfort by calming the itching sensation on the scalp. Kerium shampoo acts as a fine, intense and micro-peeling to effect permanent dandruff. It delicately peels off the dandruff layer on the scalp and removes the recurring dandruff problem from the scalp.

Kerium DS shampoo is recommended to be used twice a week as it is a very effective and intense shampoo. By using La Roche Posay dandruff shampoo twice a week as a 4-week cure, we can say that the dandruff problem on our scalp is visibly reduced. On other days of the week, let’s not go without saying that we use La Roche Posay Kerium Doux Extreme shampoo as a complementary shampoo. 🙂

Don’t collect your hair too tight

Remember the moments when you came home and let loose your hair on days when you tied your hair tight. How hard you want to scratch your scalp, right? Tight gathering of your hair causes the scalp to not breathe and air to the hair follicles. This can lead to dry scalp and dandruff. If you regularly collect your hair, you should stop this habit first. Instead of gathering your hair tight, you can make shabby hairstyles or braids. If you want to make your hair tight ponytail on special occasions, when you come home, open your hair quickly and comb your hair to let your hair roots breathe.

Don’t wash your hair with hot water

If you have severely itchy hair, one of the first things to do is avoid washing your hair with hot water. Because hot water can dry the scalp and cause dandruff problem in the hair. You should definitely choose warm or cold water for every wash.

Hot air flow is as important as hot water. Those who dry their hair with a hairdryer must protect their scalp. If the hair dryer does not have a cold air option, you should only dry the ends of your hair and wait for the scalp to dry naturally. We expect our health to dry naturally for our hair and scalp health.

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