Keep your skin fresh with this cream

Moisturizing the skin is important to follow and maintain during the change of seasons that damage the skin and lead to dryness.
Therefore, we offer you a way to easily prepare a moisturizing cream at home, according to your beauty site.

¼ cup beeswax
¼ cup coconut oil or shea butter
½ cup almond oil
2 tablespoons cocoa butter 1
teaspoon vitamin E
15 drops of essential oil
A pot of boiling water

Preparation steps
– Put the beeswax in a bowl and cut it into small pieces, then put it on the face of the bowl containing boiling water placed on a low heat, stirring until it melts
– Add coconut oil to the beeswax, stirring until it mixes, then add cocoa butter and vitamin E to the beeswax mixture with Stirring and then remove the pot from the fire.
– Add coconut oil to the beeswax mixture and beeswax drops and keep stirring.
– We leave the beeswax cream until it cools down and then we can use it.

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