Google apologizes and explains the reasons for the frequent disruption of its services


The company “# Google” issued an explanatory statement about the technical failure that she suffered from last Monday, saying, “We would like to apologize for the impact of this accident on our customers and their companies. We deal with any incident that affects the availability of our services to our customers and their dependence on us seriously, especially accidents.” That stretches across multiple regions. “

This explanation comes after the company’s services such as “Gmail” and “Google Drive” were suspended for 45 minutes last Monday morning, which affected the work of millions around the world.

And clarified, “Google” that the malfunction is the result of work done by the company to migrate to its user-identifier service, which deals with authentication of account data. The problem arose last October when the company switched to a new system for allocating system resources, leaving parts of the old system in place.

And according to what was reported by “9to5google”, “Google” indicated that the disconnection would have occurred earlier had it not been for the grace period set by the company. Unfortunately, this mod has expired, and its robotic systems are starting to act as if the problem is real.

She added, “The company had preventive measures in place to prevent this kind of problem, but it was not designed to deal with the exact situation that occurred on Monday morning.”

Although Google’s engineers dealt quickly with the problem, the company says it plans to implement new measures to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future, noting that one of its goals is to do a better job in communicating when any of its services stop. It also strives to improve its monitoring systems so that it can detect incorrect configurations at a faster time.

The hashtag “#Googledown” topped the list of the most tweets on Twitter when the malfunction occurred, as happened previously when the WhatsApp application was stopped.

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