Coronavirus symptoms: 3 serious indicators that must be monitored daily


Do you have some common symptoms between the common flu or the common cold and the corona? When should you consult a doctor? What are the symptoms of Corona? And what are the signs that you have covid-19 when you get infected? Follow the answers in the following topic:

The most common coronavirus symptoms

Runny nose symptoms of Corona infection


The main symptoms that you should pay attention to are fever, breathing difficulties of the cough type or shortness of breath. Symptoms of covid-19 are::

– The presence of a fever above the temperature of 37.5 ° C with chills;

– Cough dry or greasy.

– Runny nose.

– Respiratory signs such as coughing, feeling pressure, or feeling pain in the chest with apnea (dyspnea).

– Feeling aches (muscle aches).

– Loss of the sense of smell, or sudden loss of taste without a stuffy nose.

– Pain in the head (migraine).

– Signs in the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea).

– An unusual feeling of fatigue (asthenia).

Follow more: intellectual OCD symptoms and treatments

Last August, American researchers came to the conclusion that the order of appearance of symptoms is as follows: fever, followed by coughing, then feeling muscle pain, then feeling nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. “This arrangement is especially important; to know the Times of seasonal illnesses first, such as the flu that coincides with coronavirus infection,”explains one of the study authors.

A European epidemiological study, conducted in May 2020, also highlighted the frequency of symptoms observed in patients with no severe symptoms. What can we conclude?

– Patients of the young category most often suffer from inflammation of the nose, ear and throat, while older people often show fever, fatigue, fatigue, or even loss of appetite.

– Men suffer mostly from cough and fever, while the most common symptoms in women are loss of sense of smell and headaches.

Another observation, according to the same study, is that loss of the sense of smell appears in 70 percent of patients with mild form of the disease, the same is true for headaches, slightly more than a stuffy nose (68 percent), and cough (63 percent).

Finally, many forms of coronavirus appear to be asymptomatic; in other words, they do not produce any symptoms. The frequency of these asymptomatic cases may be high, especially in children. According to the French Ministry of health, according to top Santé, the coronavirus is contagious before symptoms appear; that is, an infected person who does not feel any symptoms may infect other people. However, a healthy pregnant person will be less contagious because he does not sneeze (the virus is transmitted by the spray of droplets emitted when the infected person coughs or sneezes).

And if the symptoms worsen with bad breath: dyspnea, fast-paced breathing, heavy breathing, loud cough, inability to breathe at rest, an ambulance should be called immediately.


What are the signs of exacerbation of Corona symptoms?


Was your coronavirus test positive? You have to isolate yourself at home until the symptoms disappear (at least 7 days) and in the vast majority of cases the form of the virus will be benign, and one heals from it with rest. Nevertheless, during your home isolation, you need to pay attention to all the signs of exacerbation of symptoms and disease.

There are 3 indicators that you should pay attention to on a daily basis:

* Heart rate: should be 60 on average per minute. If the figure was higher than 120; this is an indication that the heart rate increased strongly (tachycardia), and in order to measure heart rate; and take the pulse for 15 seconds, then multiply it by four; and to measure the heart rate per minute.

– Temperature: should be kept about 38 ° C.

– Oxygen saturation: this is the percentage of oxygen in the blood. If you don’t have an oximeter, you can count up to 20; if you reach 20 without difficulty, it means that your blood oxygen saturation is 100 percent and everything is normal. Conversely, if you find it difficult to catch your breath while counting, it means that you have 80 percent oxygenation. Another way to find out the percentage of oxygenation: if you feel shortness of breath talking during rest, it means that you have a lack of oxygen.

If one or more of these indicators are abnormal; an ambulance should be called immediately.

How can we heal?

A few days of rest during which the corona patient may recover

If the corona test is positive: in general, one will heal in a few days with rest. During this, the most important action is to pay attention to any signs of worsening of the situation.

– Take temperature twice a day.

– In case of fever or headache, paracetamol can be taken (total 3 grams per day).

– If you are taking drugs for another; you should continue to take them.

– Do not take another treatment at all without talking to your doctor or pharmacist.

– Don’t hesitate to call your doctor if you have doubt in anything, or if you have unusual symptoms, or any other health problem.

– If you find it difficult to breathe, emergency calls should be made quickly.

Don’t prescribe medication for yourself alone.

The French Ministry of Health states that ” treatment of intolerable fever or pain in the context of covid – 19 or any other paracetamol-based respiratory virus should not exceed the dose of 60 mg/ kg per day, and a maximum of 3 grams per day. It is forbidden to take NSAIDs, as well as avoid taking corticosteroids without a strict prescription.

There is no cure for coronavirus

Treatment of coronavirus involves relieving symptoms (pain and fever) by taking paracetamol, hydrating in case of fever, and rest and natural drinks, such as tea, herbs, lemon, honey, etc., do not cure coronavirus, but help to tolerate symptoms better. So far there is no antiretroviral treatment available on the market.

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