A recent study: red pepper strengthens the body’s immunity and prolongs life

  A new study reports that a person regularly consumes chili peppers; It can greatly improve his health helping to extend people’s lives. According to research that will be presented this week at the American Heart Association’s Science Sessions 2020, pepper eaters have a “significantly lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease or cancer.” Previous …

An American study: Aspirin reduces the death rate for people with Corona

  Results of a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland College of Medicine show that hospitalized coronavirus patients who took daily aspirin for cardiovascular health had a lower risk of death than those who did not take aspirin. According to Fox News, patients who took aspirin were also less likely to …

Evidence for survival from the deadly Corona infection

  With the spread of Coronavirus infections, the American doctor and well-known journalist, Dr. Oz, mentioned tips and guidelines to ensure protection and avoid infection with the deadly virus, according to what was published by the American “Fox News” news network. In his interview with the “Fox & Friends” program, Dr. Oz offered a number …

6 ways to increase fat burning and make you have a perfect body

  The “healthline” site stated, that there are many ways to get rid of obesity and weight gain, which has become a problem for men and women, as a result of following an unhealthy diet that contains sugars and fatty foods, with lack of movement, and other reasons. The site presented 6 main methods that …

How to strengthen your immune system? .. Here are four tips

  After the spread of the Coronavirus, many are seeking the best tricks to strengthen the immune system in the body. And as the seventh day website quoted the “webmed” website, there are several ways to strengthen the immune system in general and to reduce infection with the Corona virus in particular. What is the …

Does Vitamin D Deficiency Increase My Risk of Coronavirus?

  Across countries, factors affecting its severity. The researchers study how and why “Covid-19” affects the population in different ways, and the study focuses on the rates of “Covid-19” death per million people in 117 countries with 150 or more cases of “Covid-19”. Data were collected for each country, examining people aged 65 years and …

Benefits of intermittent fasting … How many hours do I need to lose weight?

  A recent study reported that there are two fasting diets, known as a “limited time diet”, that have been proven effective in losing weight. The study, published by researchers from the University of Illinois in Chicago in the journal “Cell Metabolism,” revealed the results of a clinical trial that compared a restricted diet to …