The best natural hand-made mouthwash

Mouthwash is an integral part of oral hygiene. However, store-bought mouthwashes may not work for everyone; Because they often have a strong taste and aroma. Studies also show that adding mouthwash can treat tooth decay  and gingivitis more effectively than brushing alone. 1. Baking soda You will need ½ teaspoon of baking soda or baking soda ½ cup …

Natural mixtures to treat all types of pigmentation in sensitive areas

  Darkening of the skin or pigmentation in sensitive area s a problem of concern to any woman, and it is present for several reasons. It is not only the face that is prone to tan while areas such as the armpits and under the thighs – are prone to friction and sweating, both of which lead …

The best mixture of bicarbonate of soda and milk for whitening the skin of the feet

Feet need skin whitening process   from time to time. It may appear dark spots and other impurities. This is related to several factors such as the wrong care regimen. But they can be rid of all these problems by taking better care of them and applying a very easy natural recipe: baking soda and milk. Baking soda and …

Squalene is a revolutionary ingredient to fight skin problems

  Squalene is a very important part of skincare products . It is naturally present in the body and helps boost immunity and improve skin health. But with age, the process of squalene production in the body begins to slow down, as does collagen, which leads to premature skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles and …

3 masks of turmeric to protect the skin from acne

There are many benefits of turmeric for your skin; It treats acne and oily skin, heals the skin, adds glow to the skin and prevents signs of aging, such as: fine lines, wrinkles.. Here are quick masks based on turmeric. 1. Turmeric and Aloe Vera.. Contains anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe the skin and protect the skin from free radical damage. It also has antibacterial properties, …