Benefits of eating seven dates in the morning


The benefits of eating dates in the morning

Rich source of natural fiber

Maintaining heart health

Promote brain health

Promote bone health

Prevention of anaemia

Help to lose weight

Providing the body with antioxidants

Dates are one of the most important fruits rich in sugar and useful nutrients, it alone is an integrated dietary meal containing many important elements for building body and muscles . This fruit is particularly prevalent in the Middle East due to its numerous palm trees. It is important to eat seven dates a day early in the morning in order to get the maximum benefit, especially that this year has been reported in the Sunnah, he said about Prophet Muhammad : (from become seven dates of Ajwa did not matter that day CM and charm) .

The benefits of eating dates in the morning

Where to the benefits of dates on an empty stomach countless, as we mentioned earlier many benefits, especially if eaten in the early morning, because that will the body with energy needed throughout the day, the following are the most important of these benefits :

Rich source of natural fiber

Natural fiber is a useful component of the digestive system, as it promotes bowel movement, helps prevent constipation and also controls blood sugar levels because it slows down digestion, so there will not be a rapid rise in blood sugar level .

Maintaining heart health

Dates help in maintaining a healthy heart because it contains high levels of potassium, along with low levels of sodium, which also helps to support the nervous system of the human body and not just the heart .

Promote brain health

Hinder the ability of dates to promote the health of the brain to contain a lot of antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids, where studies have shown that dates reduces the infections that appear in the brain, which in turn lead to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological diseases affecting the brain, especially late in life .

Dates help also in improving brain function in terms of the ability to learn and acquire new skills, as well as improve memory, reduce anxiety and stress, which affects human in various situations, where due to the containment of the dates on a effective antioxidant, which we mentioned earlier .

Promote bone health

Dates are a source full of many important minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium . Studies have shown how important these minerals are in reducing the risk of osteoporosis .

Prevention of anaemia

Dates are the most iron-rich food, so it is always recommended by doctors in the face of anemia and anemia, as it helps to raise the level of iron in the body very quickly and effectively .

Help to lose weight

This information may be a bit strange especially since dates are a sugary fruit , but they contain very little fat , in addition to being a rich source of natural fiber that helps to get rid of cholesterol, which means that you will maintain your weight while consuming dates on a daily basis every morning .

Providing the body with antioxidants

Dates are a rich source of antioxidants that protect the body’s cells and help their growth. :

Flavonide: flavonide is a powerful antioxidant, it contributes to the reduction of inflammation of the body, reduces the risk of cancer, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and prevents the body from developing diabetes .

Acid phenolic : has the acid and phenolic antiinflammatory properties perfectly carved, that is, it will also reduce the risk of cancer, which protects you from cardiovascular diseases, which have become very common in our time .

Carotenoids: carotenoids reduce the risk of eye problems such as macular degeneration, and also support heart health .

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