Beets give you a natural lipstick

Beets give a beautiful, natural pink color that differs from the shades found in regular cosmetics, in addition to that blush or lip gloss made from beets does not harm the integrity of the skin and preserves its freshness.


the ingredients:


A teaspoon of almond oil


1 teaspoon dried beetroot powder (cut the beets into thin slices, then dry and grind them)


1 teaspoon lanopen or shea butter







Fill a pot with a cup of water and put it on the fire and put a cup of pyrex in it.


Put a teaspoon of almond oil with lanolin or shea butter and stir well until completely melted.


Then add the beet powder and my heart good.


Put it in a glass jar and leave to cool.


Now you have a natural lip gloss and blush.

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