Avocado oil vs olive oil: which one is better for health?

Olive oil and avocado oil may be among the most famous types of oils that have many health benefits on the body and fitness, not to mention the effective role in maintaining the beauty of skin and hair. But have you ever asked yourself, what is the difference between these two oils and which one is more healthy in order to maintain weight, heart disease and others? To discover the answer, continue reading the following lines to choose the most suitable oil. 


The difference between olive oil and avocado oil

1- olive oil

1.1- What is olive oil?

olive oil avocado oil

  • This oil is derived from cold pressed olives. The olives are collected and mashed, then the oil is separated. 
  • It consists of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that is useful for preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil  also contains plant compounds called polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • It is very important to choose virgin olive oil, that is, unrefined.
  • Olive oil has a smoke point of 325 degrees Fahrenheit, which means it can be used for cooking at a moderate temperature.

1.2- The benefits of olive oil for fitness and health

  • Olive oil contains monounsaturated oils that control blood sugar levels, and they are healthy fats that do not accumulate in your body and do not cause a noticeable increase in your weight.
  • Natural, unrefined olive oil contains vitamin E, antioxidants and natural properties, which contribute to stimulating serotonin in the stomach, the hormone responsible for feeling full.
  • It also benefits the digestive system, as the monounsaturated fatty acids present in it promote faster digestion of food and facilitate the work of the intestines.
  • Contains folic useful for the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases
  • The high levels of monounsaturated fats aid the absorption of important nutrients.

2- avocado oil

2.1- What is avocado oil?

olive oil avocado oil

  • This oil, as its name indicates, is made from the avocado, and it is cold pressed. 
  • Rich in oleic acid and antioxidants, avocado oil is a great choice for skin and brain health, as well as being an effective anti-inflammatory oil. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) also indicated that avocado oil can protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  • When buying avocado oil, it is necessary to focus on choosing the organic type and making sure that it is unrefined, cold pressed and green, because the yellow color means that the oil has already undergone refining processes.
  • Avocado oil has a smoke point of about 520 degrees Fahrenheit, which means it can be used to cook food at high heat.

2.2- Benefits of avocado oil for fitness and health

  • Avocado oil helps you feel full, which in turn contributes to keeping fit and not gaining weight. 
  • The antioxidants in avocado oil help burn fat.
  • It benefits the digestive system thanks to the monounsaturated fatty acids present in it.
  • Avocado oil can protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease.
  • It improves cholesterol levels, in addition to controlling blood sugar levels.
  • The high levels of monounsaturated fats aid the absorption of important nutrients.


3- What is the difference between olive oil and avocado oil?

One of the main differences between them is the burning point. Studies have shown that olive oil is more stable than avocado oil when exposed to heat. The other difference is related to the flavor, so the type of oil used depends on what the person prefers. As for the benefits, both are considered beneficial for health and fitness and give you the same result.

Which oil is more healthy… olive oil or avocado oil?

In general, avocado oil and olive oil are nutritious sources of healthy fats and antioxidants. Both oils are equally beneficial for health because they contain oleic acid and the necessary nutrients. However, avocado oil may have a higher burning point compared to olive oil, so it may be more suitable for cooking various foods at high heat. Bottom line, no matter which type you choose, avocado oil and olive oil can work as equally healthy additions to your diet.

Note:  Even if olive oil and avocado oil contain healthy fats, that doesn’t mean you should eat them too much. Make sure to include these two oils in the diet in a moderate manner

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