All you need to know about Google AdSense


Despite the fame of Google Adsense for being one of the most used ways to profit from the Internet  many people do not know much about it, and for this we decided in Winners to provide a brief guide about Google Adsense in which we collect all the necessary and important information, so prepare your cup of coffee, bring a paper and a pen, and get ready to learn about A way that may change your life and be your next source of income.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a program of Google that allows owners of website blogs, YouTube channels, and even applications to display ads for a certain income that is determined by several factors, such as the type of content and the nature of the advertisement.

Google Adsense is a very valuable service that helps content creators and app owners to make a lot of money per month. Google’s policy is to give owners of channels, sites and applications about 68% of what they get from companies with ads while they take 32%.

Do not underestimate this percentage, as Google earned from Google Adsense in the year 2015 only about $ 15 billion, and this number has increased greatly after that.

Google Adsense relies on the idea that visitors to your site who see the ad click on it, which turns them to the advertiser’s page, and according to the cost of this click or click determines your profits, the equation here is:

Profit = number of clicks * cost per click

The higher the cost per click, the higher your earnings, and the value of this click is determined by the niche or niche of your site or blog.

Google AdSense This is associated with another program or service called google Ads or formerly known as Google Adwords.

It is generally the place where advertisers choose their preferences to display ads for their companies or products, and they pay for these ads as well, and then Google gets the advertising money and gives you your share and keeps the rest.

These advertisers’ preferences relate to the geographic area in which they want to display their ad, and the ethnic or age group they want to target, and their interests.

In addition to the ability to prefer many other amazing things that reach the limit of the time in which the ad is shown, and Google can ensure that these ads reach the target audience thanks to the large amount of information that Google knows about its users.

With Google Adsense, you can make a lot of revenue per month, especially if you already have a blog or YouTube channel, as many around the world are doing this, even some of them rely heavily on the earnings of these ads to earn their living.

In general, the market for profit from the Internet is very rewarding, and I advise you to read these important articles on the winners, which will be very useful to you:


How do I earn from Google Adsense?

Profiting from Google Adsense is very attractive, as we mentioned, but it requires some effort and requires doing some things before you start profiting from it, and of course I do not mean here to register in Google Adsense, but I mean the steps that precede that, starting from the idea to implementation:

1. Choose the appropriate specialty or Niche

This is the most important step in the whole process. Choosing the right niche will help you produce high-quality content that attracts many visitors, and it will also determine the price of clicks, which, as mentioned above, determines your earnings from Google Adsense.

Perhaps the truest advice I would tell you at this point is to focus and put all your efforts on your content first and not on profit.

Choosing the right niche will help you get many ideas of content and articles, which will make it easier for you to increase your visitor base and thus increase click rates. selection.

The price per click varies according to the niche of blog, the format of the ads, and according to the semrush report ; The price per click in the United States reaches $17.55 if it is on an insurance site, and 0.73 if the site specializes in electronic devices. As you can see, the click price varies and varies according to many factors that you should pay attention to from the beginning.

Adsense click price and blog domain selection

2. Choosing and buying a domain

The domain name or domain name is very important when it comes to starting your website, it defines you the name of your site and your specialization, and it connects you to the minds of your visitors.

The domain must be related to the niche or specialty of your site, and it is preferable that it have a spirit and be attractive and distinctive, so that it sticks in the mind and conscience of the reader so that this reader comes back again in order to read a new site or your blog.

3. Get hosting from a company

After that, you will need to buy hosting from a trusted site for this, and if you do not know much about this topic, 

Do not worry if you do not have the money or you do not want to spend it, you can get a free domain and hosting through platforms, such as Blogger and others, but I do not recommend this and I prefer buying a domain and hosting for your site.


4. Create a WordPress site and choose the template and important plugins

There are many ways to create your site, the most famous of which is to create a WordPress site, or by hiring a programmer to program and design a site for you from scratch.

But I prefer and recommend WordPress because it will do more and more, and it is much cheaper than the cost of designing and creating a site, and you can choose a template among thousands of templates, so you will ensure that the site design is suitable for you and your specialty.

Of course, you can choose a free WordPress theme, but I recommend a paid one, because it will be much better and it is not expensive at all.



5. Create the right content for your blog

No one but you will know the appropriate content for your blog, so you have to put a lot of effort into knowing what you will write and how you will write it and whether visitors want to read it or not, and this step is the basis, the content is always the king, but I will laugh at some important tips that will help you improve the content your location:

A/ Pay attention to the title

The title is what will attract the reader to open and read your articles, and it will attract him to read another article that you put in the first article, so you should make the title expressive, interesting and a summary of the content of the article, but beware of writing misleading titles because this will make you lose your visitors and their confidence.


b/ Divide the paragraphs and make what you write easy and sequential

Long, overlapping text that makes up one big block is unattractive and hard to read, and Google doesn’t like it. While dividing the content and the text of the article into paragraphs encourages the reader to read, and makes him psychologically receptive to the content, especially if it is dependent on some of it, and each paragraph leads to the next.

c/ create a pattern

Style or style is the characteristic that will make the reader easily recognize your article, you put a part of you in each article, something like specific expressions and words or even style that makes the reader recognize that this content belongs to you, and also makes it relate to you and your content emotionally.

D/ Plan your content first

Make planning your first step; Bring a paper and a pen, write the topics you want to talk about and try to link them together in the form of groups or create a link between them.

E/ Avoid spelling and grammatical errors

Spelling and grammatical errors distract the reader and mislead Google, and in all cases they are very harmful to the content writer and the owner of the blog, so try to reduce your spelling and grammatical errors by taking a course or listening to some lessons on YouTube.

And / market your blog on social media

Social media is one of the most important and powerful marketing tools for any content owner, because it will bring you hundreds and thousands of visitors if you can use it correctly, of course, so it is very necessary to learn the appropriate social media channels with your content 

j/ learn seo

SEO or search engine optimization is by far one of the most important and powerful marketing methods for any content, because it shows your article or blog on the search page or the first search result, and through this, it brings you many countless visits.


6. The last step: You are now ready for Google Adsense

After you have fulfilled all these points and completed them, you will have finished the difficult part and all that remains is to register in Google Adsense and wait, and registering with Google Adsense is very easy and simple, you will just fill in some information in order for Google Adsense to be linked to your blog.


When you complete the Google Adsense registration process, your code will be ready, and this code is how you will link your blog to Google Adsense, where you will place it on your site where you want it and Google will fill it with ads and we will be done.

Google Adsense Ads: Types and Locations

First read this infographic and then read the text explanation below.

Google Adsense Ads Forms and Types


Now that you have registered and set everything up and got the link; You have to know what types of ads you can place on your blog or website, and what places you can place them, in order to make the process appropriate and appropriate for you, otherwise spoil the visitor’s experience with a lot of ads.

Types of Google Adsense ads

A/ Text ads

This type of ads is in the form of text only as it consists of a title and a short description of it, which is similar to what appears in paid ads for search engine results.

B/ Display ads

This ad is in the form of an image or design, and it is one of the common and famous types of ads, and most likely it is the typical type that will come to your mind when talking about Google ads, and it can be located in a horizontal, vertical, or in the form of a skyscraper or square on your site.

C/ Video ads

You can also place a video ad on your site, and you can place this ad as either a large rectangle or a medium sized rectangle on your site.

D/ Dynamic image ads

This type of ads is similar to display ads, but it is variable, and it is very suitable if you want to display products on your site, and it is similar to the traditional ads for Souq and Amazon on the sites you follow, where there are many products and their prices.

E / Link units

This type of ads is very different from the rest, it varies according to the type of content you provide, and it does not lead the visitor to the advertiser’s page, but to another page that contains several Google ads related to the content.

Responsive ads

Interactive ads are ads that interact with the visitor on your site or blog, but you need to adjust some ad settings and make them interactive to fit different screens.

J/ Matched content ads

Compatible content ads are ads that Google determines by the topic of your blog and articles. If you are writing an article for example about perfumes, this ad will show the types of perfumes or stores that sell perfumes or the like.


Google Adsense ad locations and formats

1) Half Page Ad

This ad comes in a size of 300*600 and is one of the most attractive ads to interact with and click, because it contains visual content, and it occupies a large part of the page, whether on the right or left side, which makes it very clear and generates a lot of profit.

2) Medium Rectangle Ad

This ad comes in a size of 250*300, it is one of the popular ads on web pages, it is usually used at the end of articles or blogs, and most of the time it contains products related to the article you wrote, it is a very convenient option if you want to give your reader a distinct and unobtrusive experience and in At the same time you get profit.

3) Large Rectangle Announcement

With a rectangle 280*336 ad that comes at the end of articles or at the top of the screen, it’s the perfect ad for the interactive ads we’ve been talking about, so it’s one of the most widely used ad formats on the Internet.

4) Leaderboard Announcement

The size of the leaderboard ad is 90*728, so it takes a cross section of the screen, and it is one of the ads that you will see a lot on websites, and because it attracts visitors to the site and draws their attention, it is usually placed at the beginning of the ad page to be the first thing visitors see.

5) Mobile Leaderboard Announcement

This ad is for mobile devices and comes in a size of 50*350 to be proportional to the phone screen that is relatively small compared to a computer screen, and this ad is usually placed at the end of your site to remain visible to visitors.

6) Large Mobile Banner

The mobile banner ad is another ad designed specifically to fit mobile phones, and although it is similar to the mobile leaderboard ad, it is a bit larger with a size of 100*320, which is the preferred choice.

It slightly affects the user experience because it takes up more screen space, but despite this, according to experts, it is best at targeting visitors who use mobile phones.

7) Small rectangle advertisement

This ad comes in a small and convenient size of 150*180 to occupy small areas on your page, but it is not suitable for use by Display ads.

8) Large Leaderboard Announcement

This ad is the same as the leaderboard ad that we have already talked about, but it comes in a larger size of 90 * 970, and is usually placed at the top of the pages to attract the attention of visitors, and experts and specialists say that it is one of the best forms of ads to display images and heavy visual content in general.

9) Banner or Banner

The banner comes in a size of 60*468 and has the advantage that it takes a little smaller size, but experts warn of it because its returns are often not the best, but its other advantage is that it does not affect the user experience significantly.

10) Half Banner

It is similar to the banner ad that precedes it, but it is even smaller in size 60*234, so it is usually placed on the sides of the page and its size is too small and therefore not suitable for display ads.

11) Vertical Banner

This type of advertising is similar to the banner ads that preceded it, except that it is centered vertically, its size is 240 * 120, which is suitable for small spaces, but its profits are very low compared to other forms of advertising.

12) Skyscraper advertising

The name of this form of ads may be a little strange, but it is similar in size, as it is a bit long with an average width of 600 * 120, and this form of ads is usually displayed on the sides of the site.

13) Wide Skyscraper Advertising

This form of ads is identical to the one that precedes it, but it is somewhat wider than it, its size is 600 * 160, and this form of ads is distinguished because it remains visible to the visitor despite going down or ascending the page, and this is what makes it attractive to visitors.

14) Portrait Advertisement

The portrait ad can be a little annoying because it’s 1050*300 in size, it takes up a lot of the page but it’s still being used and placed on one side of the page.

15) Square Advertisement

The square ad is the best alternative to rectangle ads whose size does not fit your available space, its size is 250*250, but it is not used as heavily as other ads.

16) Small Square Advertising

This ad is similar to the box ad, but it is a little smaller in size 200*200 and its performance is limited because its size may not accommodate the number of appropriate or desirable display ads.

17) Billboard Announcement

One of your options is the display board ad, which comes in a size of 250*970 and is usually placed at the top of the site.

18) Announcement of the Button

This ad is similar to square ads, but it is much smaller than them in size, its size is 125 * 125, so it can occupy small spaces, but experts warn of it because this small size of it may not be profitable because it does not attract the attention of visitors.

google adsense earnings

google adsense earnings

As we mentioned before, the earnings from Google Adsense come through the equation:

Profit = number of clicks x cost per click

Therefore, there are two basic strategies for profit, the first is to focus on the niche of many visitors, but its cost-per-click is low, that is, you get your profits from the large number of clicks.

The other way is to focus on a niche so that its CPC is high, and accordingly even small numbers of clicks will be very profitable.

Although the topic seems simple, it is not, there are many factors that control CPC, the countries and languages ​​that you target may control the CPC.

For example, English sites targeting foreigners have a higher CPC than Arab sites, and this is due to the great competition in the English content market.

Attracting a large number of visitors is also not easy and does not happen overnight, but it requires a lot of effort and hardship to achieve.

Usually, Google Adsense is not profitable and rewarding at first, but with the passage of time and the growth of the number of visitors to your site, your profits will be rewarding, and at some point you may reach the point where you do not need to do anything other than take care of your site.


Is Google Adsense Your Best Choice for Earning?

We have an important rule in the winners, which is that our only goal is to benefit, and therefore it is not permissible to talk about AdSense and its profits without talking about other alternative sources of profit that you can use, and therefore I will discuss in a hurry the most important other sources of profit:

1. Get sponsorship from a company

Instead of making Google choose the advertisers on your page, you can communicate with the advertisers who provide services or products related to your niche, and by signing a sponsorship contract with them, you will be able to get profits by placing their ads on your site.

The advantage of this method is that it will make you more in control of the ads on your site, and it is usually more profitable than Google Adsense.

2. Sell your own products

This option is one of the preferred options of website owners, but it varies according to the niche of your blog, as many bloggers sell souvenirs and gifts related to the content of their site for a large percentage of the profits.

This option is an excellent option if your blog is in a field such as perfumery, soap making, or hand-made accessories, which will be very profitable for you.

3. Commission selling

If your niche is mobile phones, computers, or the like, then the right option for you is to sell products for a commission or a profit margin so that your references and recommendations make visitors buy these products.

4. Providing consultations or courses

If your blog is in an educational or technical field, you can offer consulting services for a set amount of money, or take advantage of your reputation as a specialist in the field and create courses and sell them either on your blog itself or on a platform such as Udemy.

Finally, I would like to point out that these are not the only ways to profit from blogging, but they are the most popular, and you can always come up with your own method that is suitable for your blog or site and make a lot of money from it.

For more ways to profit from websites, you should return to the article with the link below:

Google Adsense problems and difficulties

Google Adsense problems and difficulties

You will save a lot of time and effort if you anticipate and identify the potential problems that you may encounter at the beginning of your dealings with Google Adsense in order to solve them and work on them early, and these problems are usually one of four:

1. The number of visitors is small so you do not make much profit

Perhaps this is the most common problem among beginners in the field of blogging and Google Adsense, they all get frustrated and bored quickly because thousands of visitors do not arrive on their blogs immediately, but things do not work like this and usually this speed causes them to fail or slow down their success.

The important thing in blogging and profiting from Google Adsense is to create value and create high-quality content first, and then tens and hundreds of thousands of visitors will flock to you to benefit from the content you provide, and therefore your profits will increase, and for this reason I repeat and repeat: focus on the content and the profit will come to you.

2. Your content is excellent, but the number of visitors is still low

This may happen to some that their content is of great quality or even excellent, but the number of visitors is still few, and in this case the blogger must master SEO or search engine optimization, so that his blog occupies a place on the first page of search results in order to increase the number of visitors.

3. Although the number of visitors is large, the number of clicks is still small

Most likely this issue will be related to personalizing your content and ads, you must create harmony between the content you provide and the ads, which will make your site visitor and the reader of your articles click on the ad easily and smoothly.

4. The cost per click is very low

This is not a problem in the literal sense, but it is the result of your niche, and the real problem here is that the number of visitors is not enough to make enough profits for you, so you have to increase the number of visitors to your site or blog.


Google Adsense tips and secrets

I saw that the best way to end this article is to collect the most important tips and secrets of Google Adsense in one place for you to benefit from and apply them, dear reader

1. Don’t focus on profit

Yes, do not focus on profit, but focus on value. Many of those who focus on profit get bored quickly and do not make any profits, or rush profits and find them stealing content or providing very weak content that does not matter to visitors.

My advice to you always and forever that I will never tire of repeating, create high-quality content and create value for you and your site, work to provide the content that your audience wants, and try to take advantage of the trends to increase your fame.

2. Don’t spoil the visitor’s experience

Many website owners and bloggers stuff their sites with advertisements, which makes it difficult to browse their sites, which ultimately results in visitors abandoning their sites and never returning to them, although what is required of them is the exact opposite, which is to improve the experience of their site visitors and to make use of Easy and simple, so be sure to place ads in a way that does not affect or spoil the visitor’s experience.

3. Choose your advertising locations carefully

This advice is complementary to the one that precedes it, so you should place your ads in exactly the right place, which will make them attract the visitor’s attention without spoiling his experience, which will positively reflect on your earnings from Google Adsense.

4. Choose a highly specialized field MicroNiche

Although this is not common in the Arab world, choosing a highly specialized niche is profitable. For example, instead of choosing the field of sports or football, you can create a blog about the English Premier League or the Liverpool team only, or also make your site specialize in It concerns the Egyptian player Mohamed Salah only, and this is only an example of what the specialized field or niche means.

Experts now advise the field of specialization, and that it will bring you a lot of profits. Although the number of visitors will be much less than the more specialized sites, the click price and click rate will increase significantly, which will double your profits, as you gain the reputation of the specialist in this small limited field.

5. Content is king

The quality of the content that you provide is the secret to any success of any economic project or any activity on the Internet. With the increase in competition, visitors are able to distinguish good content from bad content, and therefore they search and care about the best of the best. Therefore, I advise you to spend as much time as possible on your content and learn SEO as well. to attract his attention.

6. Never click on your site ads or encourage readers to do so

This is a mistake that many make and the consequences of it are very dire, which is to click on your site ads or encourage visitors to do this, which is something you should completely avoid because Google’s advanced algorithms will punish you.

7. Always try

Do not stop there and always experiment and see the results of your experiment, through the process of experiment and result, you will come to the best mixture that suits your blog and your readers

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