A natural mixture to get rid of hand wrinkles

The skin of the hands is the skin most prone to wrinkles as a result of its constant exposure to water and climatic fluctuations, which requires great care to preserve it. In this article,  Women Magazine presents a method for preparing a natural mixture to preserve the skin of the hands and treat it from annoying wrinkles that may befall it.


the components:


Vaseline spoon


A spoonful of coconut butter


a spoonful of honey


egg white





How to prepare:


1- Mix the ingredients in a suitable bowl until you get a homogeneous mixture.


2- Put the mixture in a container to use the right amount each time and keep it in the refrigerator.


3- Put an appropriate amount on the skin of your hands before going to sleep and massage the skin of your hands with the other hand, then repeat the matter with the hand.




4- Wait for 30 minutes, then wash your hands to get rid of the remaining mixture.

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