What mistakes do you make when washing your face?

With every sunrise, you get up to wash your face and welcome a new day. Do you know what mistakes you may make against your face when washing… Follow the following article:


• You may choose a cleanser to remove makeup and dirt with ingredients that are very harsh on the skin, making it more dry and red because it removes many of the natural oils and healthy cells in your face.


• Washing the face once or twice a day is a good way to clean the skin, and more than that may cause irritation and redness to the skin, as well as lead to the production of a lot of oils, so be careful not to exaggerate in washing your face.


• Hot water may be good for the skin and skin, but excessive use of it leads to dry skin or the production of a lot of oils, so lukewarm water is the best temperature to help you gently cleanse your face.





• Exfoliating the skin too much, and it is one of the mistakes that many women make. Exfoliation is a healthy process that gets rid of dead skin, so make sure to do it twice or three times a week as a maximum.


• Just as washing your face often leads to dry skin, also, not rinsing and washing it well leads to the accumulation of dirt, makeup and dust residues on the skin, which contributes to clogging the pores and making your skin dry quickly, so you should rinse your face well to enjoy a healthier complexion.


• Many women are afraid of using oils and resort to cleansing the skin with chemical products, especially for those with oily skin. Therefore, we advise you to use natural oils of plant origin such as (almond oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil) to clean and moisturize the skin, whether oily or dry.

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