Vitiligo treatment in 6 ways

If you notice the appearance of a white spot (vitiligo) on the skin
Know that there is a significant lack of melanin in this area and that the skin cells suffer from an imbalance in the distribution of melanin.
If you suffer from this problem, there are several reasons, including vitamin B12 deficiency or high blood pressure
But there are many treatments, especially natural formulations, that help correct cell imbalance.

Indian saffron
If there are white spots on your skin
Prepare a strong paste based on turmeric and mustard oil by adding spoons of turmeric powder to the mustard oil until you get a paste.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a strong anti-bacterial that must be mixed with water, the amount of which should be twice the amount of vinegar.
Apply this mixture on the white spots to fix the melanin imbalance.

honey and ginger
The raw honey should be absorbed by the skin after washing the area with white spots.
Apply honey, which is anti-bacterial, for half an hour to show its effect on the skin.
Moreover, eating ginger enhances blood circulation in the body and regulates this skin imbalance.

radish seeds
The appearance of white spots on your skin means cell death, and radish seeds are the only ones
Able to revive those cells while placing them on the skin until the skin can absorb them.

Copper stimulates the secretion of melanin, especially those ions that help to produce melanin in a large amount.
Leave the water in a copper vessel overnight at a moderate temperature for the ions to do their job.

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