This is how you choose the right soap for your skin type!

While the shelves of cosmetics stores are flooded with various types of skin cleansers and lotions, a good segment of women still prefer to resort to soap, the oldest traditional cleanser in its field. If you belong to this segment, here are the criteria and conditions for choosing the optimal soap for your skin type for the best result and care:


Oily skin:


It is known that oily skin produces a lot of ascetic, and therefore, this type of skin needs to persevere in cleaning in exchange for choosing the ideal soap with high accuracy. Therefore, women with this skin should choose a soap with exfoliating properties, but with ingredients that are gentle on the skin so as not to harm it due to constant washing. Concentrate in your choice on the following items: sea salt, oats, brown sugar and peach. Also, completely stay away from chemicals such as glycolic acid and replace it with soap from natural ingredients. But if you want to change from soap, a gel wash is the best option.


Dry skin:


If you are one of the owners of dry skin, you should pay attention to choosing a gentle, soft formula enhanced with moisturizing properties and elements such as glycerin, for example. Also, go for soaps that contain either jojoba oil, aloe vera, coconut oil, cocoa butter, avocado or vegetable oils that are ideal for dry skin. For the best result, apply a little hot water to your face in the morning, but use a moisturizing soap at the end of each day. You can also replace it with detergents in the form of a cream.


Sensitive skin:


Avoid perfumed soaps or those containing colourings, as the aromatic formulations and colourings used are what cause the skin to irritate the skin in general. Also, choose it with a balanced pH.


Skin with pimples:


When germs combine with oily skin, the result is the same: pimples and blemishes that are hard to get rid of. In this case, resort to medical soap that contains antiseptic and anti-bacterial materials, but beware of harsh formulations that may harm your skin and eliminate the good bacteria that maintain its health. Therefore, choose it with a balanced composition and use it in moderation.


Combination skin:


Stay away from formulas that are designed for each type of skin (oily – dry) because they will make your condition worse, and instead resort to natural, moderate formulas that contain pH-balanced substances away from medical formulations. For example, you can choose a soap with a glycerin base.

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