The benefits of oats for hair and how to prepare mixtures of it


Oats are one of the most important nutrients with many health and aesthetic benefits. Among these benefits is that it helps to care for hair, especially as it contains many nutritional compounds such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese, and vitamins such as vitamins B, K and A that help to strengthen and grow hair. From here, we will teach you more about the benefits of oats for hair, as well as ways to prepare mixtures of it.

Benefits of oats for hair

1- Oats prevent hair loss

Oatmeal works to treat hair loss because it contains many beneficial nutritional compounds. Oats can also be used to increase hair growth, as it works to make hair more flexible, and prevents it from being damaged, and works to strengthen it.

2- Oats clean the hair

Oatmeal is a natural hair cleanser because it removes dirt, oils and other impurities.

3- Oats moisturize hair

Oatmeal contains vitamin B, which makes it a natural hair conditioner. Vitamin B penetrates into the hair, allowing it to retain its moisture.

4- Oats protect hair from damage

Oatmeal contains many vitamins and minerals that protect your hair from damage and make it thicker and stronger. Oats are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which help repair damaged hair.

5- Oatmeal treats itchy scalp

Oatmeal is useful for treating an itchy scalp, as it helps treat the problem of spreading dandruff in the scalp, and maintains the balance of the natural oils in the scalp. It can also be used, when grinding, to massage the scalp to get rid of dandruff and dead skin.

What are the benefits of oats for the skin and how can you prepare mixtures of it?

3 blends for hair from oats

1- Mixing oats and almond oil to strengthen hair

the ingredients:

A cup of oats

A tablespoon of almond oil

1/2 cup of milk

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together.

Apply the mask to hair from the roots to the ends, and leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes.

Wash hair with warm water and shampoo.

Repeat this mixture 3 to 4 times a week.

2- Mixing oats and milk to get soft hair

the ingredients:

3 tablespoons of oats

1/2 cup of milk

A tablespoon of coconut oil

One tablespoon of honey

How to prepare:

Put 1/2 cup of milk in a deep bowl, then boil it with the oats, and mix the ingredients well.

Add honey to the previous mixture.

Add coconut oil to the mixture and use the hand mixer again to get a homogeneous paste.

Apply this mask to your hair and leave it on for 1/2 hour.

Wash your hair as usual.

3- A mixture of oats and lemon juice to treat dandruff

the ingredients:

A cup of oatmeal

Two cups of boiling water

A teaspoon of lemon juice

A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

How to prepare:

Pour a cup of oatmeal into a blender and grind it.

Mix oatmeal with two cups of boiling water over a medium heat, to get a fine powder.

Stir this mixture until the oatmeal is completely dissolved.

Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, then drain it from the water.

Add lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to the oat mixture, then stir the mixture well.

You can put several drops of your favorite hair oil into the mixture.

Wet your hair with lukewarm water, then apply this mixture to your scalp, leave it for two minutes, and then wash it off.

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