Take care of your face with natural products

We must never forget to take care of our skin, this very sensitive organ which covers our entire body. It is for this reason that it must be taken care of. It is not only a question of aesthetics, but a question of health. This time around, we’re going to focus on how to cleanse your face, that area known to be so delicate.

We don’t have to go to a beauty salon, nor do we have to use expensive chemicals to cleanse and brighten our facial skin. We can carry out a beauty treatment directly at home with totally natural products.

It is true that cleaning your face is an essential hygienic activity for our body. But it’s not just about that: it’s also a great way to rejuvenate our skin. We suggest you follow different steps to achieve a simple, natural and effective cleaning!


Open the pores

First, wash the skin of the face with lukewarm water and mild soap. Once we have removed all the surface impurities accumulated during the day, we can open our pores. This is a fundamental step, because it serves to prepare the ground before applying our mask to cleanse the skin. Indeed, the well-freed pores allow our skin to perfectly absorb the products that we will apply thereafter.670px-Clean-Clogged-Pores-Step-3

We can heat a pot of water until it boils. Then we remove it from the heat, and all that is left is to add an herb such as lavender, chamomile or green tea. Immediately after, we bring our face to the container and we cover our head with a towel, which allows the vapors to be received directly on our face. Two to five minutes will be more than enough for the skin to perspire well.

Exfoliation or peeling

During this step, we will eliminate the dead cells embedded in the skin. We will also promote cell regeneration. Exfoliation, or peeling, also allows us to eliminate scars, prevent the appearance of flaking and promote circulation in the skin. It should always be done once the skin is well cleansed and the pores are open. Skipping steps is not recommended. We can perform this peel using various homemade recipes:fines

Almond peel: We mix the following ingredients, then we will keep everything in a clean glass container. This will allow us to apply our treatment several times, for example once a week.

.- ½ cup of sea
salt.-½ teaspoon of pure almond extract
.- ½ cup of coffee beans
.- ½ cup of coarse brown sugar
.- ½ cup of sweet almond oil

Coconut and chocolate peel: Mix the oil well with the sugar and the extracts, until you obtain a homogeneous substance. You will then have to add the coconut powder and keep everything in a container ready for use.

.- ½ cup of coconut oil
.- 3 teaspoons of pure cocoa powder, no added sugar
.- 1 cup of brown sugar
.- ½ teaspoon of pure coconut extract
.- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract coffee

Lemon and almond peel : Avoid contacting this mixture with liquid substances. We will have to prepare it before washing our face with it, and we will stir everything with our fingers just before using it.

.- ½ teaspoon of lemon zest
.- ½ cup of sea salt
.- ½ cup of sweet almond oil

When applying exfoliators to our face, it is very important to do it gently. It is necessary to make a circular massage on all the skin of our face, by carrying out a light pressure. We will use an antiseptic cotton for makeup. In this way, we remove all the dirt present as well as the dead cells. We can therefore continue our natural treatment after this step.

We can let the paste act for about 20 minutes, then wash our face again with lukewarm water. Right after, we can remove the pimples and blackheads present on our skin from our skin. This is the only right time to do it, because in other cases we would risk damaging our skin and therefore causing infections.Face-mask

Once our skin is well cleansed, exfoliated and free of impurities, we can apply a natural face mask. The mask will correspond to the personal needs of each one. There are masks to moisturize dry skin, others to remove excess sebum, or to eliminate spots. There are others to close pores and others that are used to fight the appearance of wrinkles.

We can apply the mask until the product becomes quite dry. Or if not, we can use the same method as the one followed during the peel, i.e. leave the mask on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water. It is best to then dry the skin by patting it gently.

There are natural masks that are very easy to make and apply. What is more, they are very effective. Here are a few :

Anti-wrinkle mask:  We mix in a container a cup of seedless cucumber pulp and a raw egg. We apply the mask all over the skin of our face, then we leave it on for at least half an hour.

PH Restoring Mask:  We use a packet of gelatin, as well as a cup of tomato pulp. We heat the gelatin and then add the tomato pulp until a compact paste is obtained. Once everything has cooled, we apply it all over our face and let it act for about twenty minutes. This is the time it takes for the tomato to rebalance the pH while the gelatin tones our skin.

Moisturizing  mask : The mask is done using half an avocado mashed, two spoons of honey and two eggs. We beat the eggs until stiff, then we add the other two ingredients. Once the mixture looks like a thin paste, we apply it to our skin. In addition to hydrating our skin, avocado will help us eliminate scars and hyperpigmentation. We must leave the mask on our face for at least half an hour.

As you can see, it doesn’t take much to make a homemade mask! The great advantage is that these masks are completely natural and therefore do not present any contraindications. The masks will leave your face smooth and your skin soft. Remember to remove the mask with lukewarm water and gently dab your skin to dry it.

Close the pores

Once the cleansing is finished, the ideal is to close the pores. In this way, we avoid seeing them fill with impurities. We can do this by applying frozen water to our face, for example by melting some ice cubes. If the mask contains tomatoes or cucumbers, then you do not need to do this, as they themselves close the pores on our face.

There are other products that can help close pores, such as green tea, mint, or apple cider. These ingredients all have astringent properties. We apply them to our skin by moistening our face with a towel, then we just have to wait for the product to dry. Afterwards, we can rinse our face with cold water.img_comment_se_nettoyer_le_visage_966_orig

Skin care

Once the cleaning is finished, it must last over time. It is therefore very important to properly hydrate our skin, because it should neither be too dry nor too oily. For this, it is recommended to use a moisturizer adapted to our skin and its specificities. In this way, we will prevent dryness, itching and even aging of the skin. We need to hydrate our skin on a daily basis to keep it smooth and soft.

We can also make our own anti-wrinkle moisturizer for very dry skin ourselves. This homemade remedy can be stored in the refrigerator for at least three months. But it is better not to wait so long, because the benefits of the cream are especially effective the first days, just after having done it. The ingredients are as follows:

– 25 g of cucumber puree
– 25 g of blueberry water
– 25 g of jojoba oil
– 25 g of grape seed oil
– 25 g of rose essential oil

Just mix all the ingredients in a rather large container. The mixture will have to be beaten well, until the oil integrates perfectly with the water and other products.

Store the mixture in a glass jar. You can now start applying it on a daily basis to benefit from its virtues from day one.oily-skin1

It is advisable to apply it when you get out of the shower or the bath, that is to say when the skin is clean and the pores open. Thus, the wonderful effects of our cream will penetrate more easily into our skin!

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