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May 24, 2023 admin

How to rid the body of toxins

How to rid the body of toxins



Our bodies need from time to time to cleanse to remove the toxins present in our bodies, which mostly come as a result of eating fast foods and non-food meals that contain nutrients that the body does not need. Among those systems that can be followed to rid the body of toxins are the detox system, of which there are two systems. Short-term for a number of days and a long-term system, and when you achieve the two systems together, you will feel a big difference in the improvement of general health as a result of the body regaining its strength and expelling its toxins and microbes, that system treats some diseases resulting from wrong nutrition and the abundance of sugars and foods Fast foods contain large amounts of empty calories that only provide the body with fat.


First, the short-term detox diet, which includes three different diets:


The fruit system: the system relies on fasting from food without starving the soul and eating fruits only in quantities that raise energy levels within the body as it helps prevent strokes and effectively expel toxins from the body. Fruits such as light yellow lemon are eaten in this system. And green lemons as juices, oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit, and do not eat anything but fruits for 7 days, as they are useful for expelling toxins and permanently from the body because they contain cleaning properties. Blueberries can be relied upon to contain vitamin C.


– Fluid system: the person depends on taking his daily food, but through some liquids such as green tea, vegetable and fruit juices such as pineapple, orange, apple, and vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, parsley, and celery in the form of juice and many others. This system is also useful not Not only in expelling toxins from the body, but also in losing weight. Do not rely on this system for only three days. Try to vary between the colors of juices for more effectiveness and supplying the body with the nutrients necessary to build it. Expulsion of toxins must be done without any stress on the body.


Eat only fruits and vegetables: eat vegetables that contain fiber, such as legumes, beans of all kinds, peas, soybeans, artichokes, leafy vegetables, and potassium found in bananas, potatoes and spinach. Vitamin C is found in broccoli, strawberries, kiwi and tomatoes. Folic acid is found in cowpeas. And asparagus and useful fats in mushrooms and coconut, and many other examples. Eating fruits and vegetables for seven days every once in a while is enough to expel all toxins from the body. This step is useful for those who suffer from constipation resulting from improper nutrition.


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Second, the long-term detox system:


It is the dietary traditions that we must follow in our eating habits on a daily basis, and they are useful for expelling toxins from the body in a more than excellent way:


First: Drinking enough water, as water is one of the most important elements that help expel toxins from the body, so two liters of water per day helps in kidney and liver dialysis and revitalizes the functions of each of them.




Second: Eating organic vegetables and meat that do not have chemical fertilizers or animals that have not been injected with growth hormones. Organic vegetables can be grown in your home very easily.


Third: Avoid white poison Sugar and salt Avoid excessive intake of processed sugar and salt, which are the most important and biggest factors that cause the destruction of the body.


Fourth: Stay away from drinking carbonated water because it causes osteoporosis and empty calories.


Fifth: exercise, yoga and meditation.


Sixth: Keeping away from places filled with toxic gases.


This system will rid you of harmful toxins in the body if you follow the two systems

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May 18, 2023 admin

Make your teeth whiter in one day

Many suffer from annoying yellowing of the teeth, which causes embarrassment to many, and today we will show you a proven recipe for teeth whitening, follow it with us and tell us the results:


1/ Half a loaf of burnt and crushed bread


2 / spoon of bee honey


And mix them together until it becomes a soft dough


Then we take a toothbrush and put a little of this paste on it and rub it on our teeth


After that, we bring half a lemon, squeeze a little of it over the brush, and scrub the teeth again





After that, we wash the teeth with water two or three times, and they become bright white


((And to treat gums with all its problems))


.. Honey is placed on it and anointed with it

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May 11, 2023 admin

Natural mixtures to enlarge lips quickly

Beauty standards differed from what they used to be. After women used to praise the smallness of their mouths and their thin lips, the plump lips became a symbol of beauty and one of its basics!

Therefore, we chose for you homemade mixtures to enlarge the lips:

Oil mixture:

Mix an amount of clove oil, which increases the volume of your lips, with an identical amount of avocado oil, which gives them a pink color, and put the mixture on your lips, for ten minutes, and then wash them, and do not be afraid if you feel a burning sensation because it is a natural effect of clove oil. You can repeat the experiment three times in one week. And do not exaggerate the amount of clove oil, because it causes cracks in the skin in the long run.

Yogurt mix:

Mix a teaspoon of baking powder, with a teaspoon of yeast, and another of starch, and add to the contents half a box of yogurt, and keep stirring until all of them interact well, then put it in the refrigerator, and use it three times a week for a quarter of an hour.


Vanilla mix:

Melt a teaspoon of vanilla extract, with a teaspoon of coconut oil, and another of beeswax, and add to it – if available – a capsule or a teaspoon of vitamin E, and put it in a metal bowl on a boiler of hot water on the fire, and stir it well, then Raise it and leave it aside until it cools down, before putting it in the refrigerator, and use it three times a week for 10 minutes.

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May 3, 2023 admin

foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach

There are certain foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach as they can cause digestive upsets such as indigestion, heartburn or acid reflux. Meals that are difficult to digest or contain a lot of sugar, fat or spice should be avoided.


Here are some examples of foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach, according to onlymyhealth


fried foods


Fried foods are high in fat and take a long time to digest, which can lead to indigestion and heartburn when your stomach is empty. When eating fried food on an empty stomach, it can also cause your blood sugar levels to increase, which can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and a feeling of fullness. excessive. In addition, eating fried foods on an empty stomach can increase cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease.


carbonated drinks


Drinking soft drinks on an empty stomach can cause stomach discomfort and bloating due to the carbon dioxide gas present in it. The carbon dioxide gas can cause the stomach to produce excess acid and create an acidic environment. This can irritate the stomach lining and cause cramping and indigestion., It can Soft drinks also cause gas and bloating due to a process called carbonation.


processed foods


Processed foods, when eaten on an empty stomach, can cause an unhealthy rise in blood sugar levels, as they are high in refined sugar, fat, and sodium. This can lead to a variety of health issues, such as headaches, fatigue, and an increased risk of diabetes. Type 2. Eating processed foods on an empty stomach can also lead to indigestion and upset stomach due to the lack of fiber in them. Eating a well-balanced meal containing whole, nutrient-dense foods is a much better option for overall health.


citrus fruits


You should avoid eating citrus fruits on an empty stomach as they can cause digestive problems such as heartburn, indigestion or GERD. Citrus fruits contain a significant amount of citric acid, which is an irritant to the lining of the stomach. Eating citrus fruits on an empty stomach may increase acid production, causing irritation, discomfort, and even pain.


Dairy products


It is generally not recommended to eat dairy products on an empty stomach as they are difficult to digest. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt contain lactose, which is a type of sugar found naturally in milk.


When eating dairy products on an empty stomach, the lactose may not be broken down and absorbed properly, leading to digestive discomforts such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. In addition, dairy products are high in fat, which can slow down digestion and cause discomfort.


Caffeine-containing drinksPeople with severe stomach disorders, stomach ulcers, or irritable bowel syndrome are advised not to drink coffee on an empty stomach; May stimulate gastric secretion

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February 9, 2022 admin

Want to change from animal milk? Here are 5 healthy plant-based milks

Rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, oat milk… What do you think if we told you that you could replace cow’s or goat’s milk with all these types of plant-based milks? All you have to do is choose the most appropriate type for you to resort to and add it to your diet, especially if you are one of the people who are allergic to animal milk, which causes flatulence and flatulence.

We will make the selection process easier for you and introduce you in the following lines to each of the different and healthy types of milk, derived from non-animal sources.



oat milk

Derived from the seeds of the oat plant (Avena sativa), this type of milk has a light and sweet taste, and is often used as a low-fat alternative to cow’s milk and is suitable for people who follow a vegetarian diet.

Oat milk is lactose-free and contains a very low percentage of fat and calories. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E, iron and magnesium.

It is usually recommended to resort to oat milk, especially if the person has cholesterol, as it is free of it. It is also the best type of milk to resort to if a person is allergic to almonds and dairy products of animal origin.  


rice milk

This type of milk is made by boiling brown rice, and since it is made from rice, it is the least effective type of milk for people who are sensitive to lactose, soy and almonds. In addition, rice milk is also suitable for people who suffer from high cholesterol because the cholesterol content in it is very low.

It is true that the percentage of fat in this milk is very low compared to other types of milk, but in return it lacks vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein that the body mainly needs. Rice milk is also rich in starches compared to other types of milk and is therefore not recommended for diabetics and growing children.


Almond milk 

This type of milk is made from ground almonds and is used as a substitute for cow’s milk in general. It is free of cholesterol and lactose and is a non-animal source and therefore 100% suitable for people who follow a vegetarian diet.

Almond milk is rich in many minerals and vitamins such as zinc, iron, calcium and vitamin E. It also contains a lower percentage of protein compared to cow’s milk in particular. This milk is not suitable for people who suffer from high blood pressure because it is rich in sodium, but it is definitely suitable for people who follow a diet to lose weight.


Soy milk

This type of milk is made from soybeans so that the soybeans are soaked in water and then ground. Soy milk is just as high in protein and starch as cow’s milk, but it is an alternative option for vegetarians who do not consume animal products. On the other hand, unlike cow’s milk, soy milk is cholesterol-free and low in fat.

Soy milk is not suitable for people with high purine levels in the body, or what is known as gout.


coconut milk

This type of milk is extracted from coconut and is considered one of the most beneficial types of milk on the aesthetic level In addition to its aesthetic properties, coconut milk helps to lose weight.

It is a rich source of saturated fats that are very beneficial for people who suffer from excess weight and who aim to lose it. It also improves the work of the digestive system and speeds up the metabolism

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January 22, 2022 admin

What are these health care plans?

When you’re close to age 65, you’ll start getting dozens of ads in the mail for “Medicare Advantage” plans from private commercial health care providers like HMOs. What do these plans offer and do they actually offer you an “advantage”?

Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare Advantage plans—sometimes referred to as “Medicare Part C”—are a type of health insurance offered by private companies that contract with the federal government’s Medicare program to provide all Medicare participants with the services and benefits of Part A hospital coverage and Part B coverage. external coverage/medical coverage) for ‘original Medicare’. In addition to all services that original Medicare covers, most Medicare plans include coverage for prescription drugs.

Medicare Advantage plans are typically offered by health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), special fee-for-service plans, special needs plans and Medicare Medicare savings account plans.

In addition to all services covered by original Medicare, most Medicare Advantage services provide coverage for prescribed drugs.

On average, about 30% of all 55.5 million Medicare participants choose Medicare Advantage plans.


On the plus side, Medicare Advantage plans offer participants simplicity, financial protection, and additional services.

  • Comprehensive coverage: Most Medicare Advantage plans provide drug coverage at no additional cost, compared to traditional Medicare, under which participants must purchase a separate drug plan (Medicare Part D) for an additional premium of $10 to $100 per month.
  • Out-of-pocket costs: The total costs of the covered service are covered for the services covered in Medicare Advantage plans — and once the annual cap is reached, the plan reimburses the full amount allowed for your medical services. Furthermore, by joining a Medicare Advantage plan, you can save money by dropping “Medigap” if you have it – an additional insurance plan that covers some costs such as co-pays or care outside the United States. Some Medicare Advantage plans also help students pay their monthly Medicare premium.
  • Additional Benefits: Medicare Advantage plans usually offer benefits that traditional Medicare does not cover, such as dental, hearing, and vision care. Some plans even offer gym memberships.


Depending on the specific plan, Medicare Advantage plans can have some components that participants may not like.

  • Limited Choice of Providers: People on a Medicare Advantage plan generally must choose their doctors and hospitals from a specific network of providers—and out-of-network services can be costly. However, studies have shown that information about provider networks can change frequently, making it difficult to know who is in the network. Many Medicare Advantage plan providers send updated lists of health care professionals and facilities included in their network. Although the Federal Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) now requires Medicare Advantage plans to notify participants whenever they significantly reduce the size of their provider network, the law allows plan providers themselves to define “significant.”
  • Limited Flexibility: Medicare Advantage plans offer a 6-month period during which new participants can drop the plan and return to traditional Medicare. After the six-month period has elapsed, participants may return only once a year during the Medicare open enrollment period from October 15 to December 7.
  • Additional Premium: Some Medicare Advantage plans require participants to pay a separate monthly premium in addition to the Medicare premium.

How do you decide

If you qualify for Medicare or already have conventional Medicare and the Medicare Advantage option, you should review the benefits and drawbacks of Conventional Medicare and the various Medicare Advantage plans that are available to you.

There are many Medicare Advantage plans available in your area, and each has slightly different costs, benefits, and quality. Most Medicare plan providers have websites with complete information and a contact phone number. Many of them even allow you to register online.

To find Medicare Advantage plans available in your area, you can use the online Medicare Plan Finder.

Medicare also offers other resources to help you make decisions, such as the CMS Medicare & You notebook, as well as a list of state health insurance advisors you can contact to learn more. You can also call Medicare directly at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

If you decide to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan:

  • Visit the plan’s website to see if you can register online; or
  • Fill out the plan’s paper registration form. Contact the plan to obtain the enrollment form, fill it out, and return it to the plan. All plans must offer this option.

When you join a Medicare Advantage plan, you will have to give your Medicare number and the date of Part A and/or Part B coverage. This information is on your Medicare card. If you lose your Medicare card, you can request a replacement .

Beware of identity theft

Remember that your Medicare number contains your Social Security number, which makes it a rich prize for identity thieves. So, don’t give it or any other personal information to callers of Medical Plans.

Unless you specifically request to be contacted by phone, Medicare Advantage is not allowed to call you. Medicare Advantage plans should never ask for your financial information, including credit card or bank account numbers, over the phone.

If a Medicare Advantage plan calls you without your permission or arrives at your home without being invited, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) to report the plan to CMS

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January 1, 2022 admin

Benefits of selenium husks for weight loss

How can we use selenium husks to lose weight and control fat burning and weight gain? Selenium husks are a soluble fiber that is used as a type of laxative, in addition to the benefits of selenium husks in  weight loss And a group of health problems such as constipation, treatment of high levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood, water absorption, which makes it the greatest ability to increase the feeling of satiety and control appetite. If you want to try selenium husks for weight loss, this article will suit you and show you how selenium husks help you lose weight, how to use and side effects, especially if you try more solutions to be able to lose weight and if you are looking for more alternatives in your diet to stimulate the taste buds You have and help you achieve weight loss. Selenium husks are one of the useful Indian ingredients and achieve the desired results for you as soon as possible. If you have not heard about this ingredient before, here is what you need to know and how it helps you lose weight.

What are selenium peels?

Selenium is a soluble fiber derived from the husks of Plantago, which is grown in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan and has been used in ancient herbal medicine to treat various diseases.

Selenium husks are usually found in the form of granules, powder, or capsules and are used as a dietary supplement. You can also get selenium husks through fortified baked goods and breakfast cereals. Selenium is characterized by its solubility in water, which enables it to absorb water well and turn it into a thick and viscous compound that helps you resist digestion and has selenium Several properties that make it help you in regulating the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood and high blood sugar levels.

Benefits of selenium husks for weight loss

Selenium husks help you lose weight by pushing the body to lose fat, burn calories and various body functions because it is a good source of fatty acids, starch, and fiber useful in losing weight. Here are the ways in which selenium husks work in weight loss:

1. Selenium husks are rich in fiber:

Selenium husks are a high-fiber supplement, and consuming fiber is not only necessary to maintain a healthy body, but also helps you feel full and prevents you from eating more food, so including it in your diet helps you lose weight. Because selenium husks are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, this helps in regulating smooth bowel movement which is a crucial component of weight loss.

2. Selenium husks contain fewer calories:

The fewer calories you eat, the more likely you are to lose weight. Because for weight loss, you strive to reduce the calories you get. According to experts, selenium husks contain fewer calories. If you get 2 tablespoons of selenium husks, you will consume 32 calories and feel full thanks to the fibers in selenium.

3. Selenium husks increase the feeling of satiety:

A study conducted by American scientists showed that selenium husks help increase the feeling of satiety and fullness and reduce hunger pangs. Selenium peels contain soluble dietary fiber, which forms a semi-gel layer after contact with water. This layer helps slow the passage of food through the stomach, which leads to an increase in the feeling of satiety. Thus, selenium husks help you curb appetite and provide the body with the necessary energy, and this helps in losing weight.

4. Selenium husks help you clean your colon.

If you have a clean colon, it will help support a healthy digestive system. Selenium husks are a great colon cleanser. Thus, it provides you with an increase in your endurance and builds a better resistance to diseases, and thus helps in increasing weight loss easily.

5. Selenium peels help you fight puffiness:

Since selenium husks help improve digestion, strengthen immunity and help cleanse the colon, at the same time, they help build a strong body that has resistance to excess fat and thus burn body fat and lose weight.

6. Acts as a laxative:

A study was published in the Journal of Modern Medicine, in which scientists found that selenium husks are the most effective laxative because it helps treat constipation and reduce abdominal pain and diarrhea better than other laxatives. Selenium husks are one of the home remedies for constipation because the fiber in selenium improves the body’s absorption of water and thus improves bowel movement and thus supports the health of the immune system in losing weight because it is rich in fiber.

7. Reduce the percentage of fat:

Researchers from New Zealand conducted a study on 47 participants aged between 15-16 years. The participants consumed more than 6 grams of selenium husks for six weeks. Body composition, insulin sensitivity, lipids and blood pressure were measured. The fiber in selenium husks helped reduce bad cholesterol and fat by 4% in the participants.

8. Reducing bad cholesterol:

Scientists at Washington State University conducted experiments on seven participants who were eating selenium husks about 21 grams per day for three weeks, and by the end of the third week, the total harmful cholesterol in the blood decreased significantly. Selenium husks may also be effective in lowering LDL cholesterol in postmenopausal women.

9. Improving glucose balance:

Water-soluble fiber not only increases the feeling of satiety but also improves glucose balance. In one study, diabetics were provided with selenium husks for 8 weeks, which improved insulin levels and glucose tolerance and thus stimulated metabolism.

10. Lowering Blood Glucose:

Selenium husks also help lower blood sugar by increasing satiety levels in the body. A study published in the British Medical Journal showed that because food passes slowly, blood sugar levels rise suddenly, especially after a meal.

11. Metabolic Syndrome Treatment:

According to scientists, metabolic syndrome is the accumulation of many disorders that increase an individual’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease, such as atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, diabetes, and vascular complications.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology showed that taking selenium helped reduce harmful cholesterol, improve triglyceride levels, increase satiety, and help these functions effectively lose weight and treat metabolic syndrome.

How do you take selenium husks to lose weight?

You can get selenium husks in a variety of forms and it is widely available in health foods and nutritional stores in the form of husks, powder, or capsules. All of these forms offer the same weight loss benefits. Selenium husk capsules are a great way to consume without having to mix it with food or drinks. The capsules are also easy to carry with you, but they are more expensive than other types of selenium husks. One of the predominant forms of selenium husks are selenium sachets that you can add to your favorite food or beverage. Selenium husk powders are often sold in the form of brands that treat constipation, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and dissolve better in water and usually have some flavors added.

How much selenium husks do you need?

In general, a high-fiber diet is one that contains 25-30 grams of fiber per day. The main long-term goal of selenium husks is to follow a diet rich in fiber and when you start you need to use small amounts to avoid digestive problems and after the body adapts you can gradually increase the doses.

Most packages of selenium husks should contain information on the dosage, but the general rule is to take half a teaspoon to two teaspoons daily until the total becomes 30 grams, but take more than 30 grams of acute doses and should not be taken unless under the supervision of a doctor or according to the recommendations of the product if It was causing certain digestive problems.


Required dose of selenium husks

The University of Maryland Medical Center specifies, if you are using a commercial product, you should follow the instructions and directions on the package. And if you are not used to taking selenium husks, you can start with a low dose, such as half a spoon that is dissolved in a glass of water, and you can gradually increase the dose as needed.

Your health care provider may recommend higher doses of selenium to treat certain conditions. You can take selenium husks first thing in the morning or before bed. University of California research reports that common commercial products have evidence of selenium husk supplementation.

When do you take selenium to lose weight?

Selenium is naturally low in calories and contains no sugar and therefore will not lead to an increase in insulin. You can take selenium husks at any time of the day, and when you ask yourself when you need to take selenium to lose weight, you can determine this by how hungry or full you feel. If you feel excessively hungry, you can eat selenium husks and determine your dose accordingly.


The nutritional benefits of fiber offer a lot of benefits when eaten before meals, so it is best to take selenium husks before a meal, but you can also eat them between meals or before bed so that you can control the hunger that you feel. Timing generally depends on your need for selenium peels.

  • Each 100 grams of selenium husks contains 28 calories.

How to cook using selenium husks to lose weight?

Selenium husks do not affect the taste of other foods because it has many wonderful properties that make adding it to meals easy. It is a great alternative to eggs in bread. You can mix flax seeds well with selenium husks, and you can use it to thicken soups, broths and casseroles.

  • You can add selenium husks in your breakfast in the morning with oatmeal or add it to smoothies and mix it with breadcrumbs to help prepare the meat and will not only help you increase its consistency, but also increase the value of fiber in the meat.
  • You can increase the intake of fiber in your diet by placing a pinch or two of selenium husks on your favorite juices to increase the feeling of satiety and fullness inside you.
  • You can also mix the selenium market in a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice and enjoy eating it.

What precautions should be followed?

For most people, eating selenium husks can lead to mild digestive problems, and this is normal when eating large amounts. Therefore, you need to take selenium husks with large amounts of water and reduce the amount in case of disturbing symptoms.

If you are taking a group of essential medicines, you should consult your doctor before taking selenium. High doses of selenium may affect some types of antidepressants, fever medicines, epilepsy medicines, cholesterol-lowering medicines, and diabetes medicines. Taking high doses of more than 30 grams of selenium husks may affect the absorption of some nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B12. When you take small doses of selenium and take it for an hour or two before meals and eat nutritious and balanced meals and vitamin supplements, you must dissolve them in order to improve the absorption of selenium. And you must make sure that water is a necessary element. When taking selenium peels, you must get an ample amount of water

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