If you are looking for ways to strengthen nails, here you will find the best natural ways to help you strengthen nails naturally without expensive medications. Did you know that nails are made of a protein called keratin, these small parts not only protect our fingers but can reveal a lot about the health of the body. Strengthening nails often requires attention. The average rate of nail growth is 3.47 mm each month, according to research at the University of North Carolina. In some specific cases, people should look for ways to increase the rate of nail growth and enjoy strong nails. The rate of nail growth is affected by a number of factors and results in a slow growth rate due to a lack of important nutrients, medications, health problems or hormonal changes in the body. In this article, we will provide you with effective nail lengthening recipes that are part of your nail care methods.
Because enjoying long, strong nails certainly adds to the beauty of your hands, and because the healthy growth of nails is reflected in your health condition, you need to take care of it through a set of steps:
strengthening nails
1. Strengthening nails with eggshell:
Most people ignore the importance of eggshell in home recipes and throw it away after eating the inside as useless. However, eggshell is very useful because it is used as one of the home remedies for nail growth because it contains a high percentage of calcium, iron, protein and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. These factors help to strengthen the nails as well and prevent them from damage. Here is how to use eggshells:
Crush the eggshell then put it in the blender and add the almonds, pecans and flaxseeds to the blender to mix them carefully with the powder. Take a teaspoon of the powder with warm milk every morning. It is preferable to use this method for one month to get longer nails.
2. Garlic to strengthen nails:
Garlic is one of the nutrients that are widely used in diets and to treat many health problems because it has anti-albertosal properties, anti-microbial and anti-tumor effects. It is known that you can use it to lengthen nails at home. It protects your nails from infection due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, providing you with long nails and stimulating direct nail growth.
Cut the garlic in half and rub the nails with garlic, preferably leaving it for a few minutes so that the nails can absorb it. Or make a mixture of garlic to get a paste and apply it for 5 minutes. Once you apply this treatment for one week, you can get long nails.
3. Strengthen nails with Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is a key factor for healthy nails and hair and for making your nails grow longer. You can use vitamin E as one of the home remedies for nail growth. Nails absorb vitamin E more quickly, thus stimulating its growth.
Add one of the essential oils such as tea tree oil with vitamin E and mix them well and warm up a little by heating the mixture and dipping your nails in the warm mixture and preferably leaving the nails for a long time.
4. Essential Oils for Strengthening Nails:
We know that our nails need care to protect them from drying out so that they do not become brittle and easy to break and even be affected by other, worse problems. Every day our nails are exposed to chemicals like dishwashing detergents, which can gradually damage our nails if we fail to clean our nails properly. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use essential oils as one of the home remedies for nail growth. By massaging the nails with essential oils to keep them healthy and away from damage. Tea tree oil or peppermint oil can be used because they are antibacterial and antifungal oils, which help prevent infections and result in nail growth.
Take an amount of peppermint oil or tea tree oil in your fingers and massage your fingers. And keep leaving the oil between your nails all night. You will feel the result within a few days. It is preferable to reduce exposure to dishwashing soap and keep massaging your nails with oil once a week.
5. A hand massage is useful in strengthening the nails:
It has been proven that massage stimulates the activation of blood and improves blood flow to cells. It is known that the white area on your nails like the growth of new cells. So your nails will grow faster if these cells are stimulated properly. Hand massage is one of the home remedies to lengthen your nails at home.
Use a loose polythene bag to cover your hands, then tie the two ends of the bag, keeping the air away from your hand and keeping your hand warm. After 10-15 minutes, remove the bag, and use your hand to massage or add a teaspoon of salt to clean the nails, including the corners of the nails, then rub for 5 minutes.
6. A high-protein diet:
You must pay attention to what is applied to your nails, and this may not be enough if you want long nails. Nails need a lot of care to enhance the length of your nails. In fact, nails are made of protein and therefore it is necessary to take protein and there are a group of foods rich in protein recommended such as meat, white fish, cheese, dry fruits and dry fruits. They are effective in stimulating nail growth and will provide a tremendous result after consumption.
7. Avoid nail biting:
One of the bad habits is nail biting, especially when exposed to stress. This bad habit can negatively affect the rate of growth of your nails. If you suffer from biting your nails, you will not get long nails. Try to avoid this so as not to destroy your nails without being affected by external factors. If you find it difficult to get rid of this bad habit, here are a set of tips to help you give up.
Maintain an increased focus on current work, keep your mind busy with other things, and put lipstick on your nails to prevent yourself from biting your nails because this leads to the destruction of the lipstick layer.
8. Trim the nails:
Similar to hair care tips, nails also need to be trimmed regularly for comfort or beauty purposes. It is one of the home remedies available to you to lengthen your nails. Also, trimming your nails helps protect them from damage or breakage. Therefore, do not forget to trim your nails once a week and trim them carefully to get the correct shape.
9. Check the nail polish:
Nail polish is a very important element for women and is an important part of taking care of your beauty. But they often do not pay attention to the ingredients before buying. So, remember to check the nail polish ingredients before buying like avoid nail polish that contains sulfonamide, toluene, formaldehyde. Whatever you like this color you should not use any nail polish that contains these ingredients because they destroy the proteins in your nails.
10. Vaseline and nail strengthening:
Vaseline is one of the home remedies for nail extension. It is best to apply a quantity of Vaseline after trimming your nails to keep them soft and bright. It is an easy and simple way to get healthy nails.
Take a small amount of Vaseline and apply it to the corners of the nails using a piece of cotton. After an hour, you can remove the Vaseline from the nails and wash your hands carefully.
11. Night treatment:
It has been proven that the best time to take care of your nails is at night, as it is the ideal time to keep nails long and strong and to avoid exposure to factors such as dishwashers or soap anymore. Therefore, before going to bed you can apply vitamin E at night.
Cut up the vitamin E capsules, then apply the liquid to your nails, wear manicure gloves to keep it overnight, and remove the gloves the next morning. To get a change you can continue to do so for one month.
12. Strengthen nails with olive oil:
It is important to consider moisturizing your nails if you want to keep your nails long. Olive oil is one of the most common home remedies for nail growth and can be tried at home. This is because olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which improves blood circulation and helps you repair damaged hair and stimulate nail growth.
Before bed, apply warm olive oil to the nails and massage for 5 minutes and leave it overnight. You can wear gloves to moisturize your nails. Alternatively, soak your nails in olive oil for 15-30 minutes. This advice should be applied daily in order to get positive results.
13. Strengthen nails with orange juice:
If you are looking for an ingredient to lengthen your nails, you can get orange juice. It is rich in Vitamin C that makes your nails strong and healthy. Orange juice is also rich in folic acid, which increases the length of your nails.
Use an amount of fresh orange juice and soak your nails for 10-15 minutes, then wash your nails with warm water and use your usual nail moisturizer.
14. Lemon to strengthen nails:
Lemon is one of the home remedies for nail growth, because it is rich in vitamin C, which also provides shine to your nails. All you need is a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few tablespoons of olive oil. The method is very simple, you just need to put these ingredients in the microwave to get the mixture to soak for 10 minutes before washing it with water or rub your nails with lemon slices for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
15. Strengthen nails with coconut oil:
Coconut oil works like olive oil to achieve the perfect benefits for your nails. Coconut oil is commonly used for healthy skin, hair and nails because it improves nail length.
Mix a few drops of rosemary oil, honey and some coconut oil and mix them together to put the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds.
Soak your nails in this mixture for 15 minutes, you can do this method 1-2 times a week. Or simply use coconut oil and massage your nails with it.
16. Tomatoes and nail strengthening:
Tomatoes contain biotin, which is one of the home remedies for nail extension and long and smooth nails. In addition, tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C and vitamin A, which promote healthy skin and nails.
17. Flaxseed Oil for Strengthening Nails:
To increase nail growth, you can try adding flaxseed oil, as it is like other home remedies for nail growth. Flaxseed oil has been proven to have a significant impact on improving nail health because it is a source of protein, zinc, lecithin, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B complex.
Massage your nails with flaxseed oil for a few minutes, and wear cotton gloves for a few hours to boost hydration before washing them with warm water.
18. Strengthen nails with horsetail herb.
The use of herbs is one of the smart ways to lengthen nails, and attention should be paid to this herb because it is rich in minerals, calcium, and silica that promote wound healing, reduce pain, and improve the health of your nails. According to a study published in 2015, it is not difficult to use horse tail and is used as one of the elements in nail extension.
Prepare a few cups of boiling water with 1 teaspoon of dried horsetail herb and leave it to soak with it covered to soak for 10-15 minutes.
After that, filter the grass and cool it naturally and soak your nails in this mixture for 20 minutes. Apply this remedy several times a week to get better results.
19. Strengthen nails and biotin:
Nails should get the vitamins necessary for the health of your nails in general and healthy. Biotin is one of the vitamins needed to stimulate nail growth. One of the ways to use biotin is to get it through foods rich in biotin such as nuts, carrots, tomatoes, grains, eggs, or get biotin supplements, but make sure before you take it to consult a doctor before using it to prevent side effects.
20. Strengthen nails with nettle herb:
It is one of the traditional herbs in nail extension and has been used since ancient times because it is a great source of silica and other active minerals that play an important role in shaping your nails. Nettle herb promotes healthy nails and strengthens brittle nails, so it is one of the treatments that you can use at home.
Add dried nettle leaves about 2-3 teaspoons to a cup of hot water, cover the bowl, and soak for 10 minutes. After filtering, you can mix it with honey. Try to consume a cup of this drink every day to get the best results