
Skin care steps to delay the signs of aging

Skin care steps to delay the signs of aging

Did you know that your skin care steps affect the appearance of signs of aging?



It is true that wrinkles or fine facial lines are inevitable, but the signs of aging can be delayed by following a regular skin care routine and with the right steps.


If you want to preserve the youth of their skin away from Botox injections and plastic surgeries, we advise you to review the skin care steps that you need to follow daily, including weekly.


Choose a gentle cleanser


The first step in skin care is to cleanse it in order to remove any skin care product or makeup that you have applied during the day… this is not to mention pollutants, natural skin oils and bacteria buildup. Choose a gentle cleanser to protect the skin’s natural barrier; Cleansers with a high pH, ​​such as natural soaps, can be very harsh on your skin and can irritate it.


Know when to use a toner


Did you know that toners are designed to restore your skin’s low pH after washing it with a cleanser that has a high pH? In other words, if you are using a low pH face wash, there is no need to apply a toner in the next step.


Use the scrub once or twice a week


As you age, dead skin cells are not replaced by new ones as quickly, which means your skin will look dull, uneven and may crack. Here, the importance of exfoliators lies in the fact that they help remove dead cells from your skin. Natural exfoliators are your best choice as they are inexpensive and gentle on the skin. It is recommended to exfoliate the skin once or twice a week.


Apply the serum the right way


Serums generally contain a higher concentration of active ingredients than moisturizing creams. The best anti-aging ingredients are vitamin A derivatives known as retinoids (retinol, tretinoin, and tazarotene) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate). In addition to the importance of these ingredients in promoting collagen production in your skin, they also act as antioxidants to absorb biological and environmental oxidative stress that builds up and causes aging.


Therefore, know which serum to choose and apply it in the right way, that is, by patting and not by rubbing or massaging it on the skin.


Don’t forget the eye cream


The skin around the eyes is known for its thinness, which makes it more prone to fine lines and signs of aging. Therefore, you should never forget to apply eye cream in the morning and evening after the serum. In this way, you not only delay the signs of aging but also keep your skin young and healthy.


Use the right moisturizer for your skin


After applying the eye cream, apply the moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type, provided that it is rich in collagen. Use it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, to protect your skin from drying out and provide it with the nourishment it needs to stay young and supple. Don’t forget the importance of massaging your skin while applying your facial moisturizer to stimulate blood circulation.


Make sunscreen your best friend


And finally, make sunscreen your companion even on cloudy days of the year; The sun’s ultraviolet rays are the enemy of your skin and the most prominent factor in accelerating the signs of aging on it. Choose a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30 and always keep it in your bag to apply it every time you have to go out and be exposed to the hot sun.

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