Skin care methods in the thirties

Skin care methods in the thirties

At every age, the skin needs its own care routine, so we offer you the most important tips to apply it to the skin at the age of thirty, at this stage it is necessary to focus on moisturizing, protecting and fighting simple lines to maintain its radiance. The daily routine of skin care is based on basic steps during the day and at night, according to the “Your Beauty” website.

Skin care methods in the thirties

What are the most important steps for skin care at the age of thirty?

Cleaning the skin:
– The first and basic step to maintain a fresh skin is to clean it well, twice a day. After the age of thirty, it is preferable for women to resort to cleaning it once in the morning and twice in the evening to get rid of toxins and dirt stuck in the pores.

Using creams that contain retinol:
– After the age of thirty, the skin begins to lose collagen, so it is important for women to use creams that contain retinol. The latter works to tighten the skin, fight wrinkles, and stimulate collagen production.

Using the serum:
– After the age of thirty, it is necessary for a woman to use the serum for her skin, as it moisturizes the skin thanks to the vitamins and antioxidants it contains. It is also effective in fighting wrinkles and fine lines.

Application of night creams:
– Women often apply morning creams to protect their skin from external factors, but after the age of thirty, women need to apply a night cream to help their skin obtain the necessary vitamins. In addition to keeping it moisturized constantly.

Peeling the skin:
– This step is essential and necessary in any skin care routine. Despite its importance in the twenties, it is more important after the thirties, so it is recommended to apply it twice a week to make sure that dirt is removed, cleanses the pores deeply, and protects them from wrinkles and dryness.

The use of collagen masks:
– The skin after thirty needs to stimulate collagen in it to maintain its youth, so you can use a collagen mask twice a week.

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