Simple changes that make a difference to your skin and quality of life.. Get to know them

Obviously we’re always on the hunt for everything that makes us feel beautiful and healthy, but our skincare is not just about applying creams or serums, it’s also about making simple changes that can take 30 minutes or more a day, which we’ll list below to help you transform your life. Health and morale for the better.


1. The first factor that we have to keep in mind, which we sometimes forget due to daily tasks, is to find a space in which we feel comfortable and can relax. You know that anti-aging creams can’t be of any use if you spend 24/7 in a state of stress and anxiety.


2- One of the good tips that we can also follow is to create a relaxation space that is free from the mobile phone, TV or any other distracting source in order to focus and enjoy the moment we live in. If you succeed in creating this space, then you can put relaxing music or a therapy device Aromatherapy helps you separate from your surroundings, and it is at this particular time that you can apply your skin revitalizing mask and make the most of its benefits.


3- It is also important to have a balanced diet in which you can incorporate all the nutrients and minerals your body needs to stay 100% healthy, along with, of course, a routine of at least 20 minutes of daily exercise.


4- On the other hand, the skin is exposed to a lot of pollution, ultraviolet rays and harmful factors daily, so if you want to have healthy, shiny and bright skin, always remember to wash it well before going to sleep, and this includes removing all traces of make-up, and moisturizing it not only with creams. But also by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.


5- To get an amazing result, we recommend that you include a facial steamer in your skin care routine, which is a sauna for the face, where the steam opens the pores of the skin, to remove impurities and cleanse it deeply, then leave it ready to apply serums, moisturizing cream or vitamin C.