Glass skin method.. with only 5 drops

Korean women have shown us through the beautiful drama with pure and eye-catching beauty, so I offer you, my dear, the glass skin method by applying only 5 drops, so that you shine with flawless skin like Korean women. Follow with us the details of the following article and you will find a simple solution to all your skin problems and you will know how to make your skin shine like glass to apply your makeup and get an unparalleled angelic look.


First of all, get to know:


What is vitreous epidermis?


He called it this name, because the skin and the pores of the skin look perfect, they shine like glass, there are no pimples, impurities or excess oils, and this skin is famous for Koreans.


5 drops mask is the glass skin method


To prepare the glass skin mask from the five drops, follow the following method:


How to prepare the crystal mask A tablespoon of raw rice, which is the main secret in the way to obtain glass skin. Aloe vera gel or aloe vera. Glycerin. Sandalwood essential oil. Rose water. Steps to obtain pure and shiny skin, such as glass. Wash the raw rice with lukewarm water to purify it of impurities and dirt. After washing it, add two tablespoons of water to it and leave it for at least a third of an hour. Bring a clean glass bowl, put 1/2 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel or aloe vera to increase the viability of the mask. Add 10 drops of glycerin to aloe vera and one tablespoon of rose water. Now put 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil. The last step in the glass skin method is to add a tablespoon of the soaked rice water that you prepared earlier. Keep adding rice water until the consistency of the mask becomes liquid. Put the mask in a small dropper for daily use to get shiny, glass-like skin. Daily apply 5 drops on your face until you get a radiant and pure skin like Koreans. Tips for using a glass skin mask Skin and cosmetic experts advise using vitamin C serum in the morning. After that, drops of a glass skin mask are applied. Experts say that Rice gives you pure, tight and clean skin. Rice water and sandalwood oil lighten the skin effectively. You should not wash the face after applying the drop mask or serum on it.

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