Rice flour recipes for the skin and how to use it to treat skin problems


Have you ever tried using rice flour for skin ? It is an ideal solution to treat several skin problems as rice flour recipes for the skin is wonderful and very useful for the skin and has multiple benefits you will recognize today . There is no doubt it’s the dream of every woman to obtain healthy skin and radiant and keep things fresh and beauty, then the solution is to do using natural ingredients to help you restore skin vitality and youthfulness and luster, and months natural ingredients that are used is rice flour, which plays a big role in getting skin fresh, healthy and free from spots skin problems nagging .

The benefits of rice flour for skin 

In India, rice flour is one of the most widely used ingredients, as it has anti-aging properties and other properties that help to control excess skin oils and sebum, rice flour also helps to whiten the skin and has natural anti-inflammatory properties which helps to make the skin healthier, shine and vitality .

1-rice flour recipe to narrow facial pores :

Rice flour absorbs excess oil from the skin and is easily absorbed by the skin and helps to narrow the pores of the skin .

To make a natural powder for the face all you need is to apply the following :

Take two tablespoons of rice flour with one tablespoon of cornstarch powder, apply a makeup brush on your face by applying a mixture of rice flour with cornstarch powder after applying the foundation to the skin .

2. rice flour to prevent unpleasant odor underarm :

Regular use of rice flour powder helps to keep the underarm area free of odors, helps prevent underarm sweating and helps to increase the smoothness of the underarm skin .

3. rice flour recipe for skin freshness :

Nowadays there are many face masks available in the markets that help give the skin glow and vitality but it is still better to use simple natural methods and the most important of these methods is the use of rice flour mask that will give you the glow and shine required for the skin .

To prepare a rice flour mask to increase the glow, freshness and shine of the skin, just do the following :

Take two tablespoons of the powder with rice flour and sliced a few oranges, apples, three cherries, mix all the ingredients together and then add two tablespoons of curd and mix them well, put this mask on your face and neck and leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse it with cold water and then massage your face gently using cubes of ice .

All these natural ingredients help to rejuvenate the skin and increase the smoothness of the skin as they contain large amounts of powerful antioxidant compounds and vitamins that enhance and increase the radiance and glow of the skin and make the skin shine wonderfully, rice flour repairs damaged skin cells and helps protect the skin from harmful environmental substances .

You can also use the benefits of rice water to beautify your skin and your hair

4-rice flour recipe for exfoliating body and skin :

Rice flour sandpaper is useful for the whole face and body as well, you can prepare rice flour sandpaper by following the following method :

Half a cup of rice flour (half-ground ) with a quarter cup of white sugar and a little drops of virgin coconut oil and four tablespoons of raw bee honey, mix all the ingredients together properly and apply the mixture to the soreness and all over the body, then massage this mixture gently in circular motions and leave it for 2 to 3 minutes and

This sandpaper helps exfoliate skin cells and remove dead skin cells, and it helps to polish the skin and make it clean, healthy and refreshed .

5. rice flour to purify and cleanse the skin :

A mixture of rice flour with fresh lemon juice and turmeric powder is an amazing combination to make the skin clean and free of impurities. :

Two tablespoons of rice flour with four teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of turmeric powder, mix ingredients together well until you get a smooth puree-a dish that the mask on clean face and leave for 15 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water thoroughly .

This mask has cleansing, antiseptic and anti-aging properties and helps to remove impurities from the skin, improve the texture of the skin and make the skin more glowing, healthy and refreshed .

6. rice flour for skin to remove traces of sunburn from skin :

Rice contains sunscreen agents such as Antoin and ferulic acid which makes rice a natural sunscreen, to prepare a natural sunscreen from rice flour all you need is the following :

Take two tablespoons of rice flour with a tablespoon of chocolate powder and a little refreshing cold milk, mix the ingredients together well until you get a soft and thick paste apply this paste on your face and leave it 20 minutes and then wash the mixture thoroughly with cold water, for best results apply this mask at least once a week .

This mask helps to remove the tan marks that appear on the skin, repairs damaged skin cells, reduces the appearance of dark spots and makes the skin more youthful, healthier and flawless .

Rice flour recipes for the skin :

1– rice flour with turmeric powder and lemon juice to treat stains :

The mixture of rice flour, turmeric powder and freshly squeezed lemon juice helps to get rid of annoying spots on the skin and make it brighter, to prepare this mask follow the following method :

Mix 3 teaspoons of rice flour with a little turmeric powder and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, mix the ingredients together well then apply the mixture on the face and neck and leave for 15 minutes then rinse with water and apply a light moisturizer on the skin where lemon juice can cause the skin to dry .

2. rice flour mask with yogurt to get rid of dead skin :

This mask helps to remove impurities from the skin and get rid of dead skin cells from the pores of the skin, this mask keeps the skin clean from below the surface, all you need is the following :

Mix a tablespoon of rice flour with milk, yogurt, put the mixture on the face and neck and let the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and then wash it with cold water, to get acne free skin repeat the mask once a week .

3. rice flour mask with raw bee honey and rose water :

This helps the channel to increase the glow and shine of the skin, all you need for this mask is as follows :

A tablespoon of rice flour and a teaspoon of bee honey raw and two drops of rose water mix the ingredients together until you get a paste knit dish the mixture on the face and neck and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water .

4. rice flour mask with fresh cucumber juice :

This mask helps to whiten the skin and get rid of the effects of sunlight also all you have to do the following to make this mask :

Mix a tablespoon of rice flour with a teaspoon of fresh cucumber juice then apply the mixture on your face and neck and leave on the skin for 15 minutes and then rinse it with water thoroughly .

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